GARD™ – The story

Olivia Larne, Andy Forreryd, Ann Sofie Albrekt, Carl Arne Krister Borrebaeck, Henrik Johansson, Malin Lindstedt
SenzaGen, Sweden, Lund, Department of Immunotechnology, Lund University, Sweden, Lund



To prevent the general population for unnecessary exposure to sensitizing substances, the substances have to be safety tested. Regulatory authorities and economic interests request animal free methodology. Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection, GARD, is an in vitro test developed for the prediction of sensitizing chemicals. It is based on differential expression of disease-associated genomic biomarkers in a human myeloid dendritic cell line.
Here, we describe the development of the GARD platform and its downstream innovations.

GARD – The Story_ESTIV 2016

GARD™ – the future of sensitization testing and safety assessment of chemicals using a genomic-based platform

Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection, GARD, is an in vitro test developed for the prediction of sensitizing chemicals. It is based on differential expression of disease-associated genomic biomarkers in a human myeloid dendritic cell line.
Here, we describe the development, scientific validation, applications and the current state of the GARD platform. The scientific rationale behind the use of genomic biomarker signatures are detailed, linked to the AOP in a biological context, and to advantages realized through multivariate computational prediction models in a technological context.

The GARD assay is elastic, it can be used for several applications. Today, two are developed:

– Hazard identification of skin sensitizers
– Accuracy: ~90%
– Initiated ECVAM validation (OECD TGP no. 4.106)

– Hazard identification of respiratory sensitizers
– Accuracy: ~85%

GARD–the future of sensitization testing and safety assessment of chemicals, using a genomics-based platform_Eurotox 2016_p

GARD™ – the future of sensitization testing and safety assessment of chemicals, using a genomics-based platform

Henrik Johansson, Andy Forreryd, Olivia Larne, Ann Sofie Albrekt, Carl Arne Krister Borrebaeck, Malin Lindstedt
SenzaGen, Sweden, Lund, Department of Immunotechnology, Lund University, Sweden, Lund


Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection, GARD, is an in vitro test developed for the prediction of sensitizing chemicals. It is based on differential expression of disease-associated genomic biomarkers in a human myeloid dendritic cell line.

Here, we describe the development, scientific validation, applications and the current state of the GARD platform. The scientific rationale behind the use of genomic biomarker signatures are detailed, linked to the AOP in a biological context, and to advantages realized through multivariate computational prediction models in a technological context.

– Hazard identification of skin sensitizers
– Accuracy: ~90%
– Initiated ECVAM validation (OECD TGP no. 4.106)
– Hazard identification of respiratory sensitizers
– Accuracy: ~85%

GARD–the future of sensitization testing and safety assessment of chemicals, using a genomics-based platform

Signature biomarker analysis for prediction of skin sensitizers using a cell-based in vitro alternative to animal experimentation

Henrik Johansson, Ann-Sofie Albrekt, Carl A.K. Borrebaeck, Malin Lindstedt
Department of Immunotechnology, Lund University, BMC D13, 21184 Lund, Sweden

Allergic contact dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease caused by immunological responses towards chemical haptens. Current test of sensitizing chemicals rely on animal experimentation. New legislations on the registration and use of chemicals within pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries have stimulated significant research efforts to develop alternative, human cell-based assays for the prediction of sensitization.
We have developed a novel cell-based assay for the prediction of sensitizing chemicals, based on differentially regulated transcripts in the myeloid cell-line MUTZ-3.


We have identified a biomarker signature with accurate predictive power, which represents a compelling readout for an in vitro assay useful for the identification of human sensitizing chemicals. The biomarker signature include transcripts involved in relevant biological pathways, such as oxidative stress and xenobiotoic induced responses, which sheds light on the molecular interactions involved in the process of sensitization.


Signature biomarker analysis for prediction of skin sensitizers using a cell-based in vitro alternative to animal experimentation_EAACI 2011 LTH_p