The 2019 AGM resolved on policies for SenzaGen’s Nomination Committee that are applicable until further notice.
Policies for the Nomination Committee
The main task of the Nomination Committee is to propose board candidates to the AGM, who are then elected by the AGM. In addition, the Nomination Committee proposes candidates for the position of auditor and presents proposals for the remuneration of the board and auditors.
As per its policies, the SenzaGen Nomination Committee shall comprise the board chairman and one representative from each of the three largest shareholders in terms of the number of votes.
Nomination Committee members ahead of 2024 AGM
The Nomination Committee for the 2024 AGM comprises:
- Malin Lindstedt
- Hans Westberg
- Jonas Pålsson
- Carl Borrebaeck, the Company’s board chairman
Contact the Nomination Committee
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can e-mail to: or send ordinary mail addressed to: The Nomination Committee, SenzaGen AB, Medicon Village, 223 81 Lund. To enable their consideration, proposals should be submitted to the Nomination Committee by no later than December 15 2023.