The Company has frameworks in place that are based on the fundamental values expressed in the UN Global Compact’s ten principles, including a code of conduct. The principles include human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption, and they provide guidelines for how employees should behave in their day-to-day work and in contact with customers, suppliers, competitors and other external parties. SenzaGen also expects business partners to apply similar standards and principles in their operations and act in accordance with agreed
In addition to these policies, the Company also has separate anti-corruption directives. The Company has a zero-tolerance policy for all forms of corruption, which includes any kind of bribery.
GLP-approved lab operations
To meet both the customer’s internal quality requirements and the regulatory requirements for study data used in product filings with regulators like the Swedish Medical Products Agency or the FDA, the Group’s lab operations in Lund and Milan are GLP-approved. The approval affirms that the Group has ensured that customer studies subject to GLP requirements can be performed with the quality specified by regulators when the study is used as documentation for regulatory purposes. The approval is assured over time via recurring inspections of the Group’s operations by relevant entities.