SenzaGen nominerade till Guldråttan (EJ REG)

SenzaGen har blivit nominerade till det hedervärda priset Guldråttan, ett pris som delas ut av Djurens Rätt till företag som gör en exceptionell insats för djuren. SenzaGen kan bidra till att kraftigt minska antalet djurförsök med sina djurfria allergitester för kosmetisk-, råvarutillverknings- och läkemedelsbranschen. Med företagets test GARD, som görs
in vitro kan antalet försöksdjur som används för tester i dessa branscher minska kraftigt och när nu SenzaGen dessutom satsar globalt kan påverkan bli ännu större.

Guldråttan är Sveriges finaste djurrättspris och delas sedan 1987 ut av Djurens Rätt till den eller de som under året gjort en exceptionell insats för djuren. Skriver Djuren Rätt på sin sida.

Nu är det dags att rösta på vem som ska tilldelas Guldråttan för 2016. Omröstningen pågår fram till den 10 april och årets vinnare presenteras på Djurens Rätts rikskonferens i Stockholm den 14-15 maj. Bidra och rösta på

Rösta på SenzaGen för Guldråttan 2016!

SenzaGen nominated for Guldråttan -the Golden Rat

SenzaGen has been nominated for the honorable price “Guldråttan” -the Golden Rat, a prize awarded by Djurens Rätt (the Animal Rights) to companies that make exceptional contribution to animal wellfare.

SenzaGen is able to greatly reduce animal use with their animal free allergy tests for cosmetic ingredients, raw material production and the pharmaceutical industries. With the company’s test GARD, which is performed in vitro, the number of animals used for testing in these industries can be heavily reduced and now that SenzaGen is expanding globally, the impact can be even greater.

“Guldråttan is Sweden’s finest animal rights prize and awarded since 1987 by Djurens Rätt to a person or persons who have made an exceptional contribution during the year to animal well fare” Djurens Rätt says ontheir site.

It is now possible to vote on who should be awarded Guldråttan 2016. Voting will run until April 10 and the winner will be presented at Djurens Rätts National Conference in Stockholm on 14-15 May.

Participate and vote at (in Swedish) Link no longer available

Potency potential of chemicals using GARD shown by independent laboratory

The platform that forms the basis for the GARD sensitization assay, has been shown to have the potential to be an accurate tool for measuring the potency of sensitizing chemicals. The study was performed by an independent research group at Department of Immunotechnology, Lund University in Sweden and presented at the Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, 2016.

The new data were presented on Tuesday at the Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, poster session “Alternative Models for Ocular and Skin Toxicity”, abstract number 2205, P136.

-We have for a long time seen indications that this platform could predict potency and we are very happy to be able to present data that further points in that direction now, since it opens up completely new possibilities in skin sensitizations, says Assoc. Prof. Malin Lindstedt, heading the group at Department of Immunotechnology.

Based at Medicon Village in Lund, SenzaGen develops and implements animal-free tests on chemicals and proteins for classification of sensitizers, primarily for the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. SenzaGen’s test GARD
(Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection) measures significantly more parameters than existing tests on the market and has previously shown to deliver the most accurate prediction for hazard classification of chemicals. Now it has also shown potential to be a key player in the important field of risk assessment of chemicals by being able to predict the potency of chemicals.

-Potency has been the long-sought for application of sensitization tests. In risk assessment it is imperative to be able to predict not only the hazard of a chemical but more importantly how strong inducer of sensitization it is, i.e. the potency of the chemical. Lund University has now in a large study shown that GARD has this ability, which makes GARD unique, and we are looking forward to take part of this and develop it further, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen AB.

Press release in pdf

SenzaGen establishes subsidiary in the US

To quickly strengthen its commercial presence in the US market, Swedish SenzaGen AB expands globally and establishes a subsidiary in California.

SenzaGen, which develops and implements non-animal allergy tests of chemicals and proteins, for the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, expands its sales organization and prepares the company for an IPO in 2017. Senzagen, a Lund University Department of Immunotechnology spin-out was recently recognized as one of Sweden’s most promising young and innovative companies.

– In line with our strategy to establish a commercial presence in key markets, Senzagen has established a subsidiary in the US. The US represents the world’s largest pharmaceutical and chemicals markets, and one of the largest within cosmetics. To capture market share, it is crucial that we have a local presence, says Anki Malmborg-Hager, CEO of SenzaGen AB.

Responsible for Senzagen’s US operations will be toxicologist Dr. Brian Rogers as US CEO, and Head of business development will be immunologist Dr. Sandra Reynoso.

-Nearly 50% of all animal research experiments today are performed in the US, and we want to be there to help replace these tests and offer the market a better and much safer test with our GARD. Together with our local team and their strong network, I look forward to building SenzaGen’s brand as the market leader in allergy testing in the US, says Anki Malmborg-Hager.

For more information, please contact:
Anki Malmborg Hager, PhD, CEO
SE: +46 768 284822

Press release in pdf

SenzaGen is presenting at a hosted session at Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting in New Orleans March 15, 2016

SenzaGen Senior Scientist, Dr. Henrik Johansson will give a presentation at an
exhibitor hosted
session at the Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, 15th of March.

The meeting promises more than 150 scientific sessions, approximately 350 ToxExpo exhibitors offering you the latest information on services and technology, thousands of abstract presentations, continuing education courses, awards presentations, receptions, career guidance and support, and more.

The topic for Dr. Johansson’s presentation,
Genomics—The Future of Sensitization Testing and Safety Assessment

In vitro testing in human cellines using genomic technology is the future in safety testing of chemicals and proteins. SenzaGen is presenting their use of genomics for sensitization testing with GARD assays for skin and respiratory sensitization. Using +200 biomarkers enables better predictions, including potency information.

This session is an Exhibitor-Hosted Session. Although not an official part of the SOT Annual Meeting scientific program, its presentation is permitted by the Society.

The presentation will cover

  • Accurate and convenient safety assessment of chemical sensitizers using GARD, an in vitro assay based on genomic biomarker signatures
  • How genomic readouts can help facilitate simple models that effectively monitors a complex reality
  • Versatile test systems allowing for a broad applicability domain

Attendees are welcomed from researcher community, industry, manufacturers, regulatory agencies, consultants, CROs and every one interested in safety testing of chemical compounds.


Genomics—The Future of Sensitization Testing and Safety Assessment

Exhibition hall, Room 211

Tuesday, March 15, 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM


SenzaGen is presenting at a hosted session at Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting in New Orleans March 15, 2016

SenzaGen Senior Scientist, Dr. Henrik Johansson will give a presentation at an exhibitor hosted session at the Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, 15th of March.

The meeting promises more than 150 scientific sessions, approximately 350 ToxExpo exhibitors offering you the latest information on services and technology, thousands of abstract presentations, continuing education courses, awards presentations, receptions, career guidance and support, and more.

The topic for Dr. Johansson’s presentation, Genomics—The Future of Sensitization Testing and Safety Assessment is: In vitro testing in human cellines using genomic technology is the future in safety testing of chemicals and proteins. SenzaGen is presenting their use of genomics for sensitization testing with GARD assays for skin and respiratory sensitization. Using +200 biomarkers enables better predictions, including potency information.

This session is an Exhibitor-Hosted Session. Although not an official part of the SOT Annual Meeting scientific program, its presentation is permitted by the Society.

The presentation will cover

  • Accurate and convenient safety assessment of chemical sensitizers using GARD, an in vitro assay based on genomic biomarker signatures
  • How genomic readouts can help facilitate simple models that effectively monitors a complex reality
  • Versatile test systems allowing for a broad applicability domain

Attendees are welcomed from researcher community, industry, manufacturers, regulatory agencies, consultants, CROs and every one interested in safety testing of chemical compounds.

Details: Genomics—The Future of Sensitization Testing and Safety Assessment
Exhibition hall, Room 211 Tuesday, March 15, 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM