Season’s greetings from all of us at SenzaGen

We wish you a truly happy holiday season, and we look forward to seeing you again in the new year.

2020 Highlights

SenzaGen received GLP approval

We can now offer GLP-compliant test services using the GARD™platform.

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GARD™skin Dose-Response

This newly released assay provides quantitative potency information related to skin sensitization.

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Photosensitization research project with RIFM

A collaboration with RIFM (Research Institute of Fragrance Materials) has provided us an opportunity for further development of GARDskin to assess fragrances for potential skin sensitization when exposed to sunlight.

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Webinars – GARD™ technology insights and user cases

We had a record number of attendees at our webinars this year covering essential topics ranging from genomics and machine learning to difficult-to-test samples and quantitative potency assessment. Watch any of them to learn ways that GARD can support your testing needs.

Watch recordings

CEO presentation at Redeye Life Science Day

Our CEO Axel Sjöblad gave an update on our commercial progress at Redeye Life Science Day last week.

Watch the replay here: