SenzaGen speaks at Eurofins Human Safety Seminar, November 29

Dr Andy Forreryd, scientist at SenzaGen, is one of three speakers at the Human Safety Seminar organised by Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Munich where he will be presenting the GARD® platform for skin and respiratory sensitization. The seminar will be hosted on November 29 at the new laboratory and office building of Eurofins Munich, Robert-Koch-Straße 3a in Planegg near Munich, Germany.

The topics for the seminar are:

  • In vitro Methods to test for Endocrine Disrupting Properties
  • In vitro Skin sensitization – Challenges to Overcome
  • Eye Irritation ex vivo and in vitro methods – Current status
  • GARD® platform, genomic test for skin and respiratory sensitization with potency classification
  • New Developments in Genotoxicity Testing for Chemicals, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals – in vitro and in vivo Comet Assay

For more information and registration:

SenzaGen attends the Biocompatibility Summit in Barcelona

SenzaGen is attending the Biocompatibility Summit in Barcelona this week, on November 27-29. The summit will address updates and changes to the ISO 10993 standards and Biocompatibility for devices with a focus on Risk Mitigation, Chemical Characterisation and Practical Implementation.

Come meet our colleagues and specialists Rose Marie Jenvert, Medical Device Project Manager and Joshua Schmidt, Business Development Director – Americas there!

To book a meeting, please email them at:

rose-marie.jenvert (a) (a)

SenzaGen attends the SFT annual meeting, November 27-28

SenzaGen is attending the SFT conference (Société Française de Toxicologie) in Lille, France, on November 27-28. The conference is the French Society of Toxicology’s annual meeting and SenzaGen is present with a poster: GARD® – Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection, In vitro Safety Assessment of Skin and Respiratory Sensitizers using a Genomics Based Platform. Our French distribution partner Eurosafe is also present with a booth where you can get more information about GARD® and about our collaboration with Eurosafe.

View Live: SenzaGen’s CEO at Financial Meetings Øresund

Live presentations at Financial Meetings Øresund’s event “Sverige fortsatt starkt för Life Science?”

SenzaGen’s CEO Anki Malmborg Hager will share the inspiring story of SenzaGen and how SenzaGen’s platform GARD®, a group of tests for animal-free safety testing, can replace animal tests using genomics in test tubes to assess whether chemicals are allergenic or not.

Watch live presentation here:

SenzaGen’s CEO to speak at Financial Meetings Øresund, in Lund November 19, 2018

SenzaGen’s CEO Anki Malmborg Hager will speak at Financial Meetings Øresund, November 19, 2018.

As a speakers in the event “Sverige fortsatt starkt för Life Science? Anki will share the inspiring story of SenzaGen and how SenzaGen’s platform GARD®, a group of tests for animal-free safety testing, can replace animal tests using genomics in test tubes to assess whether chemicals are allergenic or not.

For more information and registration,

SenzaGen hosts open webinars on Respiratory Sensitization on 4 and 5 December

In vitro testing for Respiratory Sensitizers using a genomic biomarker signature and the GARDtechnology platform

The presentations on 4 and 5 December 2018, will give insight into the latest in vitro technology for identifying respiratory sensitizers using human dendritic-like cell lines and genomics.  A thorough explanation of the GARD platform will be covered as well as its versatility and reliability for safety assessment applicable to all industries. Sensitization testing with GARD is based on functional genomics.

The presentation will cover:

  • Development of the genomic-based GARD test platform for skin sensitization hazard, potency classification, and now also respiratory sensitization.
  • Dendritic cells – why they are also relevant for respiratory sensitization.
  • Gene mapping – what genes are in the assay, and how are they relevant for sensitization.
  • How GARD can discriminate between skin and respiratory sensitization and why this is relevant.
  • Update on the development of the SenzaGen R&D pipeline including GARD for materials – testing medical devices, GARD for proteins – classification of protein sensitizers, GARD for mixtures – assessment of complex formulations and Unknown or Variable Composition UVCBs.

Next generation in vitro skin and respiratory sensitization testing using genomics with GARD

The GARD™ platform is a versatile in vitro testing strategy which currently consist of three assays targeting two toxicological endpoints: skin sensitization (GARDskin & GARDpotency) and respiratory sensitization (GARDair). These assays make use of unique genomic biomarker signatures comprising genes involved in pathways known to be immunologically relevant to the sensitization process. Supported by modern technologies for pattern recognition, the large informational content provided by this approach enable for mechanism-of-action based decisions, which becomes evident in a consistently high predictive accuracy

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more from our researchers.

Register by clicking on any of the links below.


European Registration
Tue 4 Dec 2018, 15:00 CET

Americas Registration
Wed 5 Dec 2018, 13:00 EST