Senzagen price and winner

SenzaGen once again makes it to the 33-list

For the second year in a row, SenzaGen takes a place on the prestigious 33-list where the magazines Ny Teknik and Affärsvärlden for the ninth time appoint the hottest young technology companies in Sweden. The presentation took place at the Munich Brewery in Stockholm on April 12.

Based at Medicon Village in Lund, SenzaGen develops and implements animal-free tests on chemicals and proteins for classification of sensitizers, primarily for the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. SenzaGen’s test GARD (Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection) has been developed over the last 15 years ad measures significantly more parameters than existing tests on the market, as the test is based on gene analysis in human cells. This makes GARD the safest and most efficient test. GARD has mainly been used for testing in the cosmetics industry and the EU has a ban on the testing of cosmetics on animals. In the spring of 2016, GARD has also started to be used in the pharmaceutical industry for the genetic testing of potential drugs in the early phase development.

During 2015 SenzaGen completed a new share issue of M 44 SEK in order to accelerate the company’s development, scale up the sales organization, finalize the ongoing validation processes and develop new tests in GARD portfolio. The company opened a subsidiary in the US early 2016 in order to increase its market penetration.

“We appreciate the attention that making it to the 33-list gives us. Being a pioneer, breaking traditional behaviors and patterns with new technology, is challenging but so far SenzaGen has been successful. We see a large interest, a growing demand and a real need for our test in a variety of industries”, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen.

About the 33-list
The 33-list is based on nominations by companies from all over Sweden and the winners are appointed jointly by the editorial staff of the NyTeknik and Affärsvärlden. The jury looks for companies with a unique product or service based around a clear innovation with great international potential – an innovation that has the potential to change the rules of the game in their industry. To make it on the list must now be based in Sweden up to 7 years old. For more information, visit

For more information:
Anki Malmborg Hager,
+ 46 768-284 822,

SenzaGen på 33-listan in NyTeknik (in Swedish)


Press release in pdf

SenzaGen åter på 33-listan

SenzaGen tar för andra året i rad plats på den prestigefyllda 33-listan där Ny Teknik och Affärsvärlden
för nionde gången utser Sveriges hetaste unga teknikbolag. Presentationen skedde på Münchenbryggeriet i Stockholm den 12 april.


Med basen på Medicon Village i Lund utvecklar och genomför SenzaGen djurfria allergitester av kemikalier och proteiner. SenzaGens test, GARD (Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection), har utvecklats under 15 år och mäter väsentligt fler parametrar än befintliga test på marknaden, då testet bygger på genanalys i mänskliga celler. Detta gör GARD till det mest noggranna och effektiva testet. GARD har främst använts för tester inom kosmetikabranschen och inom EU finns ett förbud mot att testa kosmetika på djur. Under våren 2016 har GARD även börjat användas i läkemedelsbranschen för genomtester av potentiella läkemedel i tidig fas.

Under 2015 genomförde SenzaGen en nyemission om 44 miljoner kronor för att accelerera utvecklingen, skala upp försäljningsorganisationen, slutföra pågående valideringsprocesser och utveckla nya tester i GARD-portföljen. Bolaget öppnade 2016 ett dotterbolag i USA för att expandera sin marknadspenetration.

-Vi uppskattar uppmärksamheten som 33-listan ger oss. Att vara pionjär och försöka bryta traditionella beteenden och mönster med ny teknik är utmanande, men SenzaGen har hittills varit framgångsrika. Vi ser ett stort intresse, en växande efterfrågan och ett reellt behov av våra test i en rad olika branscher, säger Anki Malmborg Hager, VD på SenzaGen.

För intervju och vidare information vänligen kontakta:
Anki Malmborg Hager, 0768-284 822,


Om 33-listan
33-listan bygger på nomineringar av företag från hela Sverige och vinnarna utses gemensamt av redaktionerna på Ny Teknik och Affärsvärlden. Juryn letar efter företag med en unik produkt eller tjänst uppbyggd kring en tydlig innovation med stor internationell potential – en innovation som har förutsättningar att förändra spelreglerna i sin bransch. För att platsa på listan måste företaget vara baserat i Sverige max 7 år gammalt. Mer och på

Om SenzaGen
SenzaGen erbjuder in vitro-tester för kosmetisk, kemisk och farmaceutisk industri som ersätter behovet av djurförsök. Bolagets unika test GARD är baserat på forskning från Institutionen för Immunteknologi vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola. SenzaGen har sin bas på Medicon Village i Lund.

Genom att analysera 200 respektive 389 markörer beroende på test, levererar GARD resultat med 90 % tillförlitlighet. Detta kan jämföras med den gyllene standarden som är djurtester på möss som ger endast 72 % tillförlitlighet. SenzaGens test har därtill förmågan att mäta potensen (styrkan) av en substans och kan därmed avgöra till vilken grad en substans orsakar allergi.

Pressmeddelande som pdf

SenzaGen once again makes it to the 33-list

For the second year in a row, SenzaGen takes a place on the prestigious 33-list where the magazines
Ny Teknik and Affärsvärlden f
or the ninth time appoint the hottest young technology companies in Sweden. The presentation took place at the Munich Brewery in Stockholm on April 12.

Based at Medicon Village in Lund, SenzaGen develops and implements animal-free tests on chemicals and proteins for classification of sensitizers, primarily for the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. SenzaGen’s test GARD (Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection) has been developed over the last 15 years ad measures significantly more parameters than existing tests on the market, as the test is based on gene analysis in human cells. This makes GARD the safest and most efficient test. GARD has mainly been used for testing in the cosmetics industry and the EU has a ban on the testing of cosmetics on animals. In the spring of 2016, GARD has also started to be used in the pharmaceutical industry for the genetic testing of potential drugs in the early phase development.

During 2015 SenzaGen completed a new share issue of M 44 SEK in order to accelerate the company’s development, scale up the sales organization, finalize the ongoing validation processes and develop new tests in GARD portfolio. The company opened a subsidiary in the US early 2016 in order to increase its market penetration.

-We appreciate the attention that making it to the 33-list gives us. Being a pioneer, breaking traditional behaviors and patterns with new technology, is challenging but so far SenzaGen has been successful. We see a large interest, a growing demand and a real need for our test in a variety of industries, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen.

About the 33-list
The 33-list is based on nominations by companies from all over Sweden and the winners are appointed jointly by the editorial staff of the NyTeknik and Affärsvärlden. The jury looks for companies with a unique product or service based around a clear innovation with great international potential – an innovation that has the potential to change the rules of the game in their industry. To make it on the list must now be based in Sweden up to 7 years old. For more information, visit (In Swedish)

For more information:
Anki Malmborg Hager,
+ 46 768-284 822,