SenzaGen AB, a diagnostic spin-off company from Lund University, reports the launch of a new product for respiratory sensitization testing

SenzaGen AB is a diagnostic company working to replace animal testing for sensitization predictions.

“Sensitization through the lung is a growing issue and methods to predict if a chemical has a sensitization effect are limited”, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO in SenzaGen. Based on extensive research about the responses of the immune system in allergic reactions, SenzaGen has now launched a test that predicts the respiratory sensitization ability of chemicals based on the GARD methodology.

An international scientific article about the underlying research has been published in PLOS ONE, under the title “Prediction of Chemical Respiratory Sensitizers Using GARD, a Novel In vitro Assay Based on a Genomic Biomarker Signature”.

SenzaGen´s first product, a skin sensitization test of chemicals, is already on the market.

Press release in pdf


Prediction of chemical respiratory sensitizers using GARD, a novel in vitro assay based on a genomic biomarker signature.

PLoS One. 2015 Mar 11;10(3):e0118808. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118808. eCollection 2015.

Forreryd A., Johansson H., Albrekt AS, Borrebaeck CA, Lindstedt M.



Repeated exposure to certain low molecular weight (LMW) chemical compounds may result in development of allergic reactions in the skin or in the respiratory tract. In most cases, a certain LMW compound selectively sensitize the skin, giving rise to allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), or the respiratory tract, giving rise to occupational asthma (OA). To limit occurrence of allergic diseases, efforts are currently being made to develop predictive assays that accurately identify chemicals capable of inducing such reactions. However, while a few promising methods for prediction of skin sensitization have been described, to date no validated method, in vitro or in vivo, exists that is able to accurately classify chemicals as respiratory sensitizers.


Recently, we presented the in vitro based Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection (GARD) assay as a novel testing strategy for classification of skin sensitizing chemicals based on measurement of a genomic biomarker signature. We have expanded the applicability domain of the GARD assay to classify also respiratory sensitizers by identifying a separate biomarker signature containing 389 differentially regulated genes for respiratory sensitizers in comparison to non-respiratory sensitizers. By using an independent data set in combination with supervised machine learning, we validated the assay, showing that the identified genomic biomarker is able to accurately classify respiratory sensitizers.


We have identified a genomic biomarker signature for classification of respiratory sensitizers. Combining this newly identified biomarker signature with our previously identified biomarker signature for classification of skin sensitizers, we have developed a novel in vitro testing strategy with a potent ability to predict both skin and respiratory sensitization in the same sample.

Link to article on line

Hanna Frykman new Market Coordinator at SenzaGen

SenzaGen continues its expansion and is setting up a sales and marketing organisation. In this process SenzaGen recruits Hanna Frykman as a marketing coordinator.

Most recently, Hanna comes from the Royal Academy of Sciences, where she worked as an information coordinator and scientific secretary of an EU project. Hanna has experience as communicator and project manager, and has been working with startup companies. She is one of the developers of the cultural business project Thomanders Jul in Lund.

– It is extremely exciting to be working with a company in this early stage and to build up the business from scratch, says Hanna Frykman.

Hanna begins in SenzaGen in March 2015 and will focus on developing graphical profile and work with sales and marketing at SenzaGen.

– The combination of science and business thinking and her ability to build up network was been instrumental in the recruitment of Hanna. I very much look forward to working together with Hanna, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen

Ny Teknik & Affärsvärlden list SenzaGen AB as one of the 33 most promising young innovative companies in Sweden.

SenzaGen rated one of Sweden´s most promising companies
On Tuesday, SenzaGen AB achieved a position on the so called 33-list in Sweden.
After several interviews by the organisers, a challenging questioning by an initiated jury and a smashing elevator pitch, Senzagen acquired a position on the renowned 33-list.

The 33-list is based on propositions of companies from all over Sweden and the winners are chosen collectively by the editorial staff at the two journals Ny Teknik and Affärsvärlden. The jury is looking for companies with a unique product or service based on a clear innovation with great international potential – an innovation with the ability to change the rules in the business. To qualify for a position on the list, the company must be based in Sweden and be less than 7 years. Read more on

Link to the article in Ny Teknik 2015, March 2:

Maria Agemark new quality manager at SenzaGen

SenzaGen is in an expansive phase and is building up its team with new personnel. Maria Agemark has been recruited as quality manager and was previously working at the Department Immunotechnology at LTH . Maria has a PhD in biochemistry, where she conducted research on the Aquaporins in humans and plants.

– It is going to be exciting and challenging to work in a new company that is in an exciting early phase. I know the research behind the products well and look forward to be part of the new team that SenzaGen is setting up, says Maria Agemark .

Maria starts on SenzaGen in March 2015 and will focus on building up the new lab and quality systems.

– Maria has an expertise that we need to bring the company to the next level. I very much look forward to working together with Maria, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen.