SenzaGen AB completes successful collaboration with Beiersdorf AG.

SenzaGen AB, a diagnostic spin-off company from Lund University, reports the successful completion of a collaboration with Beiersdorf.

SenzaGen AB, a diagnostic company working to replace animal testing, has been collaborating with Beiersdorf to evaluate its skin sensitization test for chemicals.

SenzaGen AB is based on research at the Department of Immunotechnology at Lund University, providing animal-free, in vitro sensitization tests for the cosmetic, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.

Beiersdorf has been working in the development and recognition of alternative methods for more than 20 years and is one of the main players in the cosmetic industry in Europe. An industry that is highly interested in recommendations in this field – especially after the ban in March 2013 on animal testing in the cosmetic industry.

“It has been very valuable for SenzaGen to be able to challenge its skin sensitization test in an industrial setting.” says Prof. Carl Borrebaeck, chairman of the board of SenzaGen.

In the collaboration, blind testing of two industrial test sets of chemicals were performed using the SenzaGen proprietary GARD assay, resulting in an accuracy of 89%.

Lund university

SenzaGen AB attracts financial support from LU Innovation System AB.

LU Innovation System AB (LUIS) has since 1999 been involved in spinning out 69 companies based on research from Lund University. The portfolio has now increased by the investment in SenzaGen AB.

“We have a strong connection to Lund University and the investment by LUIS acknowledges our work and provides us with the ability to take the next important steps in our commercialization strategy,” says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen AB.

“We are very pleased of being a partner in Senzagen, which we believe has a great commercial potential. The fact that their technology can replace animal experiments doesn´t make it worse”, says Linus Wiebe, Innovation Director Lund University and CEO LU Innovation System.

The company´s first product, a skin sensitization test of chemicals, is already on the market, and the company is working on next generation products that will address other types of sensitizers and other routes of exposure. Based on the demand from the market the company is now gearing up its commercial operations and prepares for the launch of further products.

For more information please contact:
Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO, SenzaGen AB
+46 768 284822

Linus Wiebe, Director of Innovation, LU Innovation Systems AB
0733- 451 240

henrik johansson senior scientist

Dr. Henrik Johansson, scientist and COO of SenzaGen AB, was awarded the LUSH Young Researcher Award 2014.

“The project for which Dr. Johansson was awarded, the Lush Prize Young Researcher Award, describes the development and use of the novel test method GARD – Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection, an assay for assessment of chemical sensitizers.

…GARD utilises an in vitro model of so-called dendritic cells, a central player in the human immune system. These cells are stimulated with any substances to be tested, and following an incubation time of 24h, the genetic material of the cells are isolated. By measurements of a certain set of genes in the cells, which could be viewed as on/off-switches of the immune response, the eventual risk of the tested substances ability to induce allergy can be predicted.” [Lush Prize Young Researcher]

Read more on Lush Prize Young Researcher Award web site

ann gidner Carl henric

SenzaGen recruits Dr. Carl-Henric Nilsson and Ann Gidner to the Board of Directors

-We are entering into a very exciting commercial phase and are happy to be able to engage board members with international experience from our target markets, says Prof. Carl Borrebaeck, chairman of the board of SenzaGen.

Carl-Henric Nilsson holds a PhD and M.Sc. in Industrial management, and is Associate Professor at Lund University, School of Economics and Management. He is CEO of Kunskapspartner AB, Chairman of Kunskapspartner Holding AB, Boardmember in FX International AB and Boffins Holding AB. Carl-Henric’s research is focused on Business development and Industrialization with numerous scientific publications. Carl-Henric is working with entrepreneurs on a global basis with a broad contact net, especially in China and the United States.

Ann Gidner holds a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering /Bioprocessing and a Bachelor in Business Administration. She has extensive international experience from the chemical industry with global leading positions in e.g. Cambrex and Lanxess Corporations. Furthermore, she has held managing positions in RFR Solutions AB, Semcon Caran AB, and Monocl AB. She is currently Director of Sales & Business Development Europe at Novozymes Biopharma, Copenhagen.

Other members of the board are chairman Carl Borrebaeck and deputy Malin Lindstedt.

For more information please contact:
Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO, SenzaGen AB
+46 768 284822

ceo senzagen anki malmborg hager

SenzaGen recruits Dr. Anki Malmborg Hager as CEO

Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO SenzaGen AB

We are very happy to have been able to recruit Dr. Malmborg, who has extensive experience from commercialization of academic results, financial markets and business developments says Prof.Carl Borrebaeck, chairman of the Board of SenzaGen.

Anki Malmborg Hager has more than 20 years´ experience in both pharmaceutical and biotech companies that are spin-offs from the University. She held the position as Investment Director in Lund University Bioscience AB between 2009 and 2011 as well as management positions in eg. Alligator Bioscience AB, XImmune AB (CEO), Cantargia AB (CEO), and Diaprost AB (CEO).

“I am very pleased to have been offered this opportunity” says Anki Malmborg Hager. “The underlying research in SenzaGen is world class and the market window of opportunity is timely and very exciting. I am looking forward to joining the SenzaGen team and to lead the next steps in the commercialization of many years of first-class research”.
For more information please contact:
Carl Borrebaeck, Chairman of the Board, SenzaGen AB
+46 708 218330