Tag Archive for: business development

New distribution agreement with Enthalpy Analytical, USA

We are happy to team up with Enthalpy Analytical by welcoming them as distributor of our innovative GARD technology. Based in the USA, Enthalpy is an established CRO in the field of in vitro toxicology, and we jointly strive to provide our clients with best-in-class testing support, innovative science, and high-quality data.

Joint marketing activities 2021

  • Webinar, September 22 (more information coming soon)
  • CORESTA SSPT2021 Virtual Conference, Oct 18-28

We look forward to a fruitful cooperation!

New colleague at SenzaGen

Welcome to SenzaGen Anna Chérouvrier Hansson!

Anna has started her position as Chief Commercial Officer with us here at SenzaGen this week. Anna comes from Camurus, a pharmaceutical company developing and commercializing innovative and long-acting medicines for the treatment of severe and chronic conditions. At Camurus, Anna was Director of Marketing and responsible for the Medical Device Business Unit. She has previously worked as Head of Business Development Life Science at Invest in Skåne, Partner at Zitha Consulting and in a number of senior positions in European pharmaceutical and chemical companies. Anna was born in France, studied and worked in Germany and Luxembourg before moving to Sweden in 2000 to study a Master in Business Administration and Business Law and decided to stay. Anna strengthens SenzaGen’s management for the commercialization of the GARD tests and prior to the company’s planned listing on Nasdaq First North.

We are very happy to have you in our team, Anna!

ceo senzagen anki malmborg hager

Anki Malmborg Hager elected one of the two most powerful people among Lund technology companies according to Rapidus ranking

The news site Rapidus has been looking into nealy 180 companies of extended IDEON business park in Lund, Sweden in a unique survey of decision-makers of the region. Ericsson veteran Tord Wingren and Alligator Bioscience co-founder Anki Malmborg-Hager were ranked two of the most powerful people among Lund technology companies.

Rapidus writes:

Leeding up to the expansion of the concept of Ideon, Rapidus went through the records of company boards and chief executives of all technology companies which have their registered office at Ideon Medicon Village, Mobile Heights Center and Edison Park.

In total it ads up to around 700 decision makers of almost 180 companies. Most of them only sit on one board or CEO positions however 56 of these people have posiotions in more than one technology company on the extended Ideon area. At the top of the list are a dozen people with at least three appointments, including the CEO of Jolife Erik von Schenck and Professor Carl Borrebaeck, who among several appointments is on the board of Alligator Bioscience and Clinical Laserthermia Systems.

Read the full news at Rapidus site (only subscribers)

blue senzagen logo

SenzaGen starts blogging for Swedish leading financial newspaper Dagens Industri.

Follow our CEO, Anki Malmborg Hager here on the new blog at our web site under Mixed Media/blogs or at Di Gasell.

The blog will be in Swedish

blue senzagen logo

SenzaGen initiates cooperation with partners in Europe and the US

The final and most important step in SenzaGen’s formal validation process of the sensitization test GARD has now commenced through partnerships with two external laboratories, Eurofins (Germany) and Burleson (USA). These partners will now verify GARD’s reliability and reproducibility, which will allow the test to be carried out by external contract laboratories.

In this Ring Trial SenzaGen’s partners, Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing in Germany and Burleson Research Technologies in the US, will be provided with a number of encoded chemicals to be tested with GARD. The verification of GARD as a robust and reproducible test will open up a new market for SenzaGen, at the same time confirming GARD’s unique characteristics.

“With the validation and verification of GARD as a robust test, we can now promote GARD on a broad front in our priority sectors,” says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen.

GARD has previously undergone both scientific and industrial validation. The test method, which is based on an innovative genomic technology, offers an alternative to existing tests at a time when animal testing is increasingly prohibited.

“With a successful Ring Trial we and our existing customers will have further confirmation of GARD’s quality and efficiency, and it will open up new opportunities for us, not least from a regulatory perspective,” says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen.

The current validation by Eurofins and Burleson will run during the fall and then be reported to EURL ECVAM for review and approval. The result of the validation will provide additional and enhanced opportunities to introduce GARD at various contract laboratories, thus providing increased market penetration.

For more information:
Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO, SenzaGen AB
E-mail: amh@senzagen.com
Phone: +46 768 284822

Brian Rogers, CEO, SenzaGen Inc
E-mail: brian.rogers@senzagen.com
Phone: +1 530 304 7648

About Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing, Munich
Eurofins is one of the world’s largest laboratory groups with over 23,000 employees in 39 countries and more than 225 laboratories worldwide. The company offers comprehensive service that include testing of drug substance, final product, intermediates, and starting materials for both small and large molecule drug products as well as chemical and microbiological analyses in agriculture, food and environment.

About Burleson Research Technologies
Burleson Research Technologies (BRT) is a Contract Research Organization (CRO) in North Carolina that provides laboratory services to clients from the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, chemical manufacturing, government, and healthcare industries with proof-of-concept, preclinical, and clinical immunotoxicology studies.

About GARD
By analyzing 200 and 389 markers, depending on the test, GARD generates massive amounts of data and delivers results with 90 % prediction accuracy. This can be compared to the gold standard, animal tests in mice, that provides 72 % prediction. SenzaGen’s test also has the ability to measure potency (strength) of a substance and can thus determine the degree to which a substance is an allergen.

About SenzaGen
SenzaGen provides dermal and respiratory in vitro testing for the cosmetic, chemical and pharmaceutical industries replacing the need for animal testing. The company’s unique test, GARD, is based on research from the Department of Immuno Technology at Lund University. SenzaGen is based at Medicon Village in Lund, Sweden.


Press release in pdf



Senzagen price and winner

SenzaGen once again makes it to the 33-list

For the second year in a row, SenzaGen takes a place on the prestigious 33-list where the magazines Ny Teknik and Affärsvärlden for the ninth time appoint the hottest young technology companies in Sweden. The presentation took place at the Munich Brewery in Stockholm on April 12.

Based at Medicon Village in Lund, SenzaGen develops and implements animal-free tests on chemicals and proteins for classification of sensitizers, primarily for the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. SenzaGen’s test GARD (Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection) has been developed over the last 15 years ad measures significantly more parameters than existing tests on the market, as the test is based on gene analysis in human cells. This makes GARD the safest and most efficient test. GARD has mainly been used for testing in the cosmetics industry and the EU has a ban on the testing of cosmetics on animals. In the spring of 2016, GARD has also started to be used in the pharmaceutical industry for the genetic testing of potential drugs in the early phase development.

During 2015 SenzaGen completed a new share issue of M 44 SEK in order to accelerate the company’s development, scale up the sales organization, finalize the ongoing validation processes and develop new tests in GARD portfolio. The company opened a subsidiary in the US early 2016 in order to increase its market penetration.

“We appreciate the attention that making it to the 33-list gives us. Being a pioneer, breaking traditional behaviors and patterns with new technology, is challenging but so far SenzaGen has been successful. We see a large interest, a growing demand and a real need for our test in a variety of industries”, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen.

About the 33-list
The 33-list is based on nominations by companies from all over Sweden and the winners are appointed jointly by the editorial staff of the NyTeknik and Affärsvärlden. The jury looks for companies with a unique product or service based around a clear innovation with great international potential – an innovation that has the potential to change the rules of the game in their industry. To make it on the list must now be based in Sweden up to 7 years old. For more information, visit http://www.33-listan.se

For more information:
Anki Malmborg Hager,
+ 46 768-284 822, amh@senzagen.com

SenzaGen på 33-listan in NyTeknik (in Swedish)


Press release in pdf

senzagen member of the board

Ian Kimber joins the board of SenzaGen AB

SenzaGen AB, a diagnostic spin-off company from Lund University, is proud to announce that Prof. Ian Kimber will join the Board of Directors.

SenzaGen AB is a diagnostic company working to replace animal testing for sensitization predictions.

Prof Ian Kimber is currently Professor of Toxicology and Associate Dean for Business Development in the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Manchester. He has broad research interests at the interface between toxicology and immunology, with a particular focus on allergy and inflammation.  Professor Kimber holds, and has held, a variety of positions on national and international expert and scientific advisory committees. Currently these include the following:  Member UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Committee for Safety of Devices, Programme Advisor Food Standards Agency Food Allergy and Intolerance Research Programme, and member MRC Translational Research Group. Professor Kimber was previously President of the British Toxicology Society (BTS) (2012-2014), and Chairman of the Board of the UK National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) (2008-2013).  

“I am delighted to be joining the Board of SenzaGen at such an exciting period of growth. Since our initial studies that led to the development and ultimate validation of the Local Lymph Node Assay I have maintained a keen interest in chemical allergy and in the development of novel approaches for improved hazard identification and risk assessment. In this respect harnessing fully the opportunities afforded by developments in the biomedical sciences is critical, and the work of SenzaGen in exploiting a genomic approach to pathway analysis and risk assessment is at the cutting edge of new developments”, says Prof Kimber.

Ian Kimber has published over 600 research papers, review articles and book chapters, and serves currently on the editorial boards of toxicology, immunology, dermatology and pathology journals.

“We are very happy to have Prof Kimber on board in SenzaGen”, since he is one of the forerunners in sensitization testing, says Prof Carl Borrebaeck, “his knowledge and interest in the field of allergy and replacement of animal testing with new technologies is very important to us. We value his participation in developing the next generation tests.”


Press release in pdf

Almi Invest awards SenzaGen the prestigeous Annual Keywhole investment prize. “Årets titthålsinvestering”

– The investment will be used to sharpen Senzagen business model and develop software linked to cell-based in vitro assays, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO at SenzaGen.

Press reslease at ALMI’s newsdesk

SenzaGen one of the five most praised companies in Swedish business media

SenzaGen one of the five most praised companies at Ny Teknik & Affärsvärldens big Inovation Event for the 33 most promising young innovativ companies in Sweden.

The final ceremony for the 33-list was held in Stockholm were the hottest new technology companies in Sweden were presented. The list is presented without ranking but five companies were elected for special attention and SenzaGen was awarded a prize from ALMI, a strategic partner and SenzaGen given investment money for further development of the company.

Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen features in film about the company from the event.
Film  (in Swedish)

About the 33-list
The 33-list is based on nominations by companies from all over Sweden and the winners are appointed jointly by the editorial staff of the NyTeknik and Affärsvärlden. The jury looks for companies with a unique product or service based around a clear innovation with great international potential – an innovation that has the potential to change the rules of the game in their industry. To make it on the list must now be based in Sweden up to 7 years old. For more information, visit http://www.33-listan.se

Hanna Frykman new Market Coordinator at SenzaGen

SenzaGen continues its expansion and is setting up a sales and marketing organisation. In this process SenzaGen recruits Hanna Frykman as a marketing coordinator.

Most recently, Hanna comes from the Royal Academy of Sciences, where she worked as an information coordinator and scientific secretary of an EU project. Hanna has experience as communicator and project manager, and has been working with startup companies. She is one of the developers of the cultural business project Thomanders Jul in Lund.

– It is extremely exciting to be working with a company in this early stage and to build up the business from scratch, says Hanna Frykman.

Hanna begins in SenzaGen in March 2015 and will focus on developing graphical profile and work with sales and marketing at SenzaGen.

– The combination of science and business thinking and her ability to build up network was been instrumental in the recruitment of Hanna. I very much look forward to working together with Hanna, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen