SenzaGen receives GLP approval

GLP stands for Good Laboratory Practice and is a quality system of requirements and principles to assure the quality of non-clinical safety studies. What constitutes GLP is defined by the OECD for use as a global standard requirement to ensure high-quality and reliable results for product filings and regulatory approval. Swedac, the Swedish national accreditation body, is the authority that has determined that SenzaGen’s lab meets the GLP requirements.

The approval affirms that SenzaGen’s laboratory operations have ensured that studies subject to GLP requirements can be performed with the quality specified by regulators when the study is used as documentation for regulatory purposes.

“The GLP approval is a regulatory milestone and an important part of SenzaGen’s continuing commercialization. This gives us access to a significantly broader group of customers because we can meet both the customer’s internal quality requirements and the regulatory requirements for study data used in product filings. The approval is also positive for the OECD’s ongoing approval process for GARD since Swedac’s decision shows that the method can be used in a lab subject to regulatory monitoring,” says Axel Sjöblad, CEO of SenzaGen.

For more information, please contact:
Axel Sjöblad, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Email: | Mobile: +46 705 35 93 51

Tina Dackemark Lawesson, VP Marketing & Communications
Email: | Mobile: +46 708 20 29 44

About GARD
GARD™ consists of a group of tests for analyzing a chemical’s capacity to trigger an allergic reaction in humans. The tests target companies looking to optimize their testing strategy and increase the accuracy of their test results while avoiding animal testing. With precision and reliability, GARD improves the quality of customers’ decision-making and contributes to increased product safety while reducing the number of animal tests. SenzaGen is the only company at this time that can provide an in vitro test to determine whether a chemical causes respiratory allergies. The Company’s product portfolio consists of tests for skin and respiratory allergies: GARD™skin, GARD™air, GARD™potency and GARD™skin Medical Device.

About SenzaGen AB (publ) 
SenzaGen’s technology enables the replacement of animal testing with genetic testing in test tubes to determine the allergenicity of the chemicals we come in contact with in our everyday lives, such as those in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food products and dyes. The Company’s patented tests are the most reliable on the market and provide more information than traditional evaluation methods. SenzaGen sells its tests directly in Sweden and the US as well as via partners in several other countries. In the coming years, the Company will expand geographically, partner up with more distributors and launch new, unique tests. SenzaGen has its headquarters in Lund, Sweden and a subsidiary in the US. For more information, please visit:   

SenzaGen is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm First North (ticker: SENZA), and FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, is the company’s Certified Adviser.

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SenzaGen receives SEK 0.5 million order from world-leading ingredient and raw material supplier

With a business operating globally, the customer is headquartered in Europe where innovation, research and development have a central role. The collaboration between the two companies started in the beginning of 2020. After a successful completion of the first tests, the collaboration continues with the signing of the new order.

“I am extremely happy about this collaboration. The new order confirms that our work in our prioritized market segments generates results and that our tests meet the needs of the largest and leading players in the market. Once again, the interest in GARD’s unique ability to test “difficult-to-test” chemicals and their potency is confirmed”, says Axel Sjöblad, CEO of SenzaGen.

For more information, please contact:
Axel Sjöblad, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Email: | Mobile: +46 705 35 93 51

Tina Dackemark Lawesson, VP Marketing & Communications
Email: | Mobile: +46 708 20 29 44

About GARD
GARD consists of a group of tests for analyzing chemicals’ ability to start an allergic reaction in humans. The tests are performed on human cells in test tubes (in vitro) in combination with artificial intelligence and targets companies looking to optimize their in vitro testing strategy; increasing the accuracy of their test results while avoiding animal testing. Through its precision and reliability, GARD improves the quality of customers’ decision-making and contributes to increased product safety in people’s everyday lives while reducing the number of animal experiments. SenzaGen is the only company that can offer a non-animal, so called in vitro test, for chemical respiratory allergens. The product portfolio consists of tests for skin and respiratory allergy: GARD™skin, GARD™air, GARD™potency and GARD™skin Medical Device.

About SenzaGen AB (publ)
SenzaGen’s technology enables replacement of animal experiments with genetic testing in test tubes for determining the allergenicity of the chemicals we come into contact with in our daily lives, such as those in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food products and dyes. The company’s patented tests are the most reliable on the market and provide more information than traditional evaluation methods. SenzaGen sells direct and through partners. SenzaGen has its headquarters in Lund in Sweden and a subsidiary in the US. For more information, please visit

SenzaGen AB is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm (ticker: SENZA) and FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, is the company’s Certified Adviser.

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Kommuniké från årsstämma i SenzaGen AB den 8 maj 2020

SenzaGens årsstämma hölls idag den 8 maj 2020 i Lund i ett mindre format med anledning av covid-19. Årsstämman beslutade i enlighet med samtliga förslag som styrelsen och aktieägare lagt fram. VD Axel Sjöblads anförande ersattes av ett förinspelat vd-anförande som finns tillgängligt på bolagets webbplats

Fastställande av resultat- och balansräkningen
Årsstämman fastställde resultaträkningen och balansräkningen samt koncernresultaträkningen och koncernbalansräkningen för 2019.

Årsstämman beslutade att ingen utdelning skulle utgå till aktieägarna samt att stående medel förs över i ny räkning.

Årsstämman beviljade styrelsens ledamöter och den verkställande direktören ansvarsfrihet för räkenskapsåret 2019.

Val av styrelse och revisor samt arvodering
Årsstämman beslutade att styrelsen ska bestå av sju ledamöter utan suppleanter. Till styrelseledamöter omvaldes Carl Borrebaeck, Ian Kimber, Peter Nählstedt, Laura Chirica och Ann-Christin Malmborg Hager. Paula Zeilon och Paul Yianni valdes till nya styrelseledamöter. Vidare omvaldes Carl Borrebaeck som styrelseordförande. Till revisor valdes auktoriserade revisorn Mats-Åke Andersson med auktoriserade revisorn Martin Gustafsson som revisorssuppleant.

Årsstämman beslutade att styrelsearvode ska uppgå till totalt 800 000 kronor, och utgå med 100 000 kronor till envar icke anställd styrelseledamot och 200 000 kronor till styrelseordföranden. Arvode till revisor ska utgå enligt godkänd räkning.

Riktlinjer för ersättning till ledande befattningshavare
Årsstämman fastställde de framlagda riktlinjerna för ersättning till ledande befattningshavare.

Bemyndigande för styrelsen att besluta om nyemissioner
Årsstämman beslutade att bemyndiga styrelsen att för tiden fram till nästa årsstämma, med eller utan företrädesrätt för aktieägarna, vid ett eller flera tillfällen besluta om nyemission av aktier, teckningsoptioner eller konvertibler. Nyemissionen ger aktieägare rätt att teckna sig för respektive konvertera till aktier i Bolaget, mot kontant betalning och/eller, om så beslutas, genom apport eller kvittning samt att därvid kunna avvika från aktieägarnas företrädesrätt. Det totala antalet aktier som ska kunna ges ut med stöd av bemyndigandet får inte överstiga en utspädning om 20 procent av antalet utestående aktier i Bolaget efter genomförda emissioner med stöd av bemyndigandet, baserat på antalet utgivna aktier vid tidpunkten för årsstämman.

För detaljerade villkor avseende beslutet på årsstämman hänvisas till kallelsen som finns tillgängligt på Bolagets hemsida,

För mer information, vänligen kontakta:
Axel Sjöblad, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Email: | Mobil: 0705-35 93 51

Tina Dackemark Lawesson, VP Marketing & Communications, SenzaGen AB
Email: | Mobil: 0708-20 29 44

Om SenzaGen AB (publ)
SenzaGen gör det möjligt att ersätta djurförsök med genetiska tester i provrör för att bedöma om de kemikalier vi kommer i kontakt med i vår vardag är allergiframkallande. Det kan till exempel handla om kosmetika, läkemedel, livsmedel och färgämnen. Bolagets patentskyddade tester är de mest tillförlitliga på marknaden och ger mer information än traditionella utvärderingsmetoder. Testerna säljs både direkt och genom partners. SenzaGen har sitt huvudkontor i Lund och dotterbolag i USA. För mer information, besök

SenzaGen är listat på Nasdaq Stockholm First North (ticker: SENZA). FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, är bolagets Certified Adviser.

Bifogat dokument


SenzaGen and the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) collaborate to develop next-generation test for photosensitization

RIFM is an international scientific organization working to promote the safe use of fragrance ingredients in consumer products. Part of RIFM’s business is promoting the development of new and innovative tests for safety and sensitivity and today there are few reliable alternatives to animal testing. SenzaGen and RIFM have entered a collaboration to further develop and extend the applicability of GARD™skin to include photosensitization. GARDskin is SenzaGen’s animal-free assay for assessing substances for potential allergic reactions on skin. The technology adaptation is in line with SenzaGen’s strategy to meet more customer needs by optimizing and expanding its product offering.

“RIFM is a world-leading organization for research on fragrances and we are very proud of their confidence in us. The collaboration with RIFM provides a stimulating exchange of knowledge and an opportunity for us to further develop and test GARDskin in an application to assess fragrances for potential skin sensitization when exposed to sunlight. The need for measuring photosensitization risk is significant for, for example, product development companies in the cosmetics and chemicals industry, which are two of our target industries,” says Axel Sjöblad, CEO of SenzaGen.

The two organizations look forward to jointly contributing to a sustainable and ethical development of the testing market.

“Identifying the photosensitization risk of fragrance ingredients with high accuracy is a need that fragrance stakeholders have long expressed. We support SenzaGen’s investment in modern technologies and animal-alternative test methods, with the goal that RIFM will be able to use new approach methodologies without compromising scientific quality,” says RIFM’s Gretchen Ritacco, Principal Scientist, Phototoxicology.

For more information, please contact:
Axel Sjöblad, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Email: | Mobile: +46 705-35 93 51

Gretchen Ritacco, Principal Scientist, Phototoxicology
Email: | Phone: +1 201.689.8089 ext. 153

About RIFM
Established in 1966, the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) generates, analyzes, evaluates, and distributes data to provide a scientific basis for the safe use of fragrances. RIFM has compiled the most comprehensive, worldwide source of toxicology data, literature, and general information on fragrance and flavor raw materials. RIFM’s fragrance ingredient safety assessment program draws from its comprehensive database of over 70,000 references and more than 135,000 human health and environmental studies.

RIFM assesses the safety of fragrance ingredients by the most current, internationally accepted guidelines—and has done so since its founding. The Expert Panel for Fragrance Safety, an independent, international team of researchers and academics with no ties to the fragrance industry, reviews all of RIFM’s work before RIFM submits it for peer-reviewed publication in a reputable scientific journal. RIFM makes all of its published, peer-reviewed work—current and historical—available for free at

About GARD
GARD consists of a group of tests for analyzing chemicals’ ability to start an allergic reaction in humans. The tests are performed on human cells in test tubes (in vitro) in combination with artificial intelligence and targets companies looking to optimize their in vitro testing strategy; increasing the accuracy of their test results while avoiding animal testing. Through its precision and reliability, GARD improves the quality of customers’ decision-making and contributes to increased product safety in people’s everyday lives while reducing the number of animal experiments. SenzaGen is the only company that can offer a non-animal, so called in vitro test, for chemical respiratory allergens. The product portfolio consists of tests for skin and respiratory allergy: GARD™skin, GARD™air, GARD™potency and GARD™skin Medical Device.

About SenzaGen AB (publ)
SenzaGen’s technology enables replacement of animal experiments with genetic testing in test tubes for determining the allergenicity of the chemicals we come into contact with in our daily lives, such as those in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food products and dyes. The company’s patented tests are the most reliable on the market and provide more information than traditional evaluation methods. SenzaGen sells direct and through partners. SenzaGen has its headquarters in Lund in Sweden and a subsidiary in the US. For more information, please visit

SenzaGen AB is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm (ticker: SENZA) and FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, is the company’s Certified Adviser.

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SenzaGen and XCellR8 expand their collaboration to offer GARD[®]skin Animal Product-Free

XCellR8 is an established in vitro contract testing laboratory in Europe engaged in work to replace animal testing and related animal components with alternative methods, especially in the cosmetics industry. Today, XCellR8 works with several well-known cosmetics companies such as The Body Shop, Lush, and their suppliers. SenzaGen and XCellR8 have been in partnership since 2016 through a distribution agreement. Thanks to this new enhanced license agreement, XCellR8 will market and sell GARD®skin Animal Product-Free and perform tests at its laboratory in Daresbury, UK.

“We are happy to deepen our collaboration with Dr. Carol Treasure and her team at XCellR8. By focusing on the use of the latest technology and new research results, they are contributing to the movement towards a more ethical and sustainable testing industry. Our collaboration has resulted in further development of an existing test, adding an offering to our portfolio, which is in line with our strategy and mission to offer the best animal-free test methods,” says Axel Sjöblad, CEO of SenzaGen.

GARD®skin Animal Product-Free is a further development of SenzaGen’s existing skin sensitization test, GARD®skin, and meets consumers’ growing demand for an animal-free supply chain. By replacing animal serum, traditionally used as a nutrient solution in cell culture, with human serum, this new test is totally free of animal components. GARD®skin Animal Product-Free has the same high accuracy and performance as the other tests available in SenzaGen’s portfolio.

“Together with our clients, we are passionate about the vision of creating a more ethical testing industry, without animal testing and animal components. Through this close collaboration with SenzaGen, XCellR8 has the exclusive opportunity to offer this accurate and innovative GARD test, free of animal components, for skin sensitization. In the long term, this means safer and better products for all of us,” says Carol Treasure, founder and CEO of XCellR8.

For more information, please contact:
Axel Sjöblad, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Email: | Mobile: +46 705-35 93 51

Carol Treasure, Founder and CEO, XCellR8
Email: | Phone: +44 (0)1925 607

About XCellR8
XCellR8 provides animal-free safety and efficacy tests to the cosmetics, personal care and chemical industries. Regulatory tests include assessments for skin or eye irritation, skin sensitization and skin corrosion whilst non regulatory tests include cytotoxicity and acute toxicity amongst others. Clients include ingredient manufacturers such as Croda and Innospec, as well as high street retailers both in the UK and globally, including Lush and The Body Shop. Their work has been recognised at a regulatory level by the OECD and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), and supported by top funding bodies such as Innovate UK and the European Horizon 2020 programme.

About GARD
GARD consists of a group of tests for analyzing chemicals’ ability to start an allergic reaction in humans. The tests are performed on human cells in test tubes (in vitro) in combination with artificial intelligence and targets companies looking to optimize their in vitro testing strategy; increasing the accuracy of their test results while avoiding animal testing. Through its precision and reliability, GARD improves the quality of customers’ decision-making and contributes to increased product safety in people’s everyday lives while reducing the number of animal experiments. SenzaGen is the only company that can offer a non-animal, so called in vitro test, for chemical respiratory allergens. The product portfolio consists of tests for skin and respiratory allergy: GARD™skin, GARD™air, GARD™potency and GARD™skin Medical Device.

About SenzaGen AB (publ)
SenzaGen’s technology enables replacement of animal experiments with genetic testing in test tubes for determining the allergenicity of the chemicals we come into contact with in our daily lives, such as those in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food products and dyes. The company’s patented tests are the most reliable on the market and provide more information than traditional evaluation methods. SenzaGen sells direct in Sweden and the US, and through partners in several other countries. Over the next few years the company will grow geographically, make alliances with additional distribution and license partners, and launch new unique tests. SenzaGen has its headquarters in Lund in Sweden and a subsidiary in the US. For more information, please visit

SenzaGen AB is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm (ticker: SENZA) and FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, is the company’s Certified Adviser.

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SenzaGens bokslutskommuniké 2019

”När jag efter sju månader som VD för SenzaGen tittar tillbaka på 2019 är jag nöjd med de strategiskt viktiga aktiviteter vi genomfört för att bygga ett kommersiellt bolag. Under hösten har SenzaGens strategiska plan, affärsmål och prioriterade aktiviteter utvärderats och förfinats. Detta i kombination med en viktig kapitalanskaffning på 106 miljoner kronor före emissionskostnader har gett oss en stabil plattform för vårt fortsatta arbete med att bygga en stark försäljningsorganisation. Det försäljnings- och partnerrekryteringsarbete vi nu påbörjat lägger grunden för att vi skall nå vårt finansiella mål break-even 2022,” säger Axel Sjöblad, VD.

Helåret 1 januari – 31 december

  • Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 2 724 KSEK (1 997).
  • Rörelseresultatet uppgick till -37 927 KSEK (-20 731).
  • Resultatet per aktie -3,11 SEK (-1,04).
  • Likvida medel per den 31 december uppgick till 120 467 KSEK (56 632).
  • Styrelsens förslag är att ingen vinstutdelning sker till bolagets aktieägare.

Andra halvåret 1 juli – 31 december

  • Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 1 072 KSEK (1 637).
  • Rörelseresultatet uppgick till -22 730 KSEK (-12 251).
  • Resultatet per aktie -2,10 SEK (-0,49).

Väsentliga händelser under andra halvåret

  • Produktportföljen utökades med ett test för den medicintekniska marknaden, GARD®skin Medical Device. De första beställningarna erhölls under hösten 2019.
  • Distributörsavtal med VitroScreen i Italien tecknades.
  • Avtal slöts med den franska distributören GenEvolutioN.
  • En ny kommersiell organisation och ett nytt finansiellt mål presenterades.
  • SenzaGen genomförde en kapitalanskaffning om totalt 106 MSEK genom riktad emission och övertecknad företrädesemission.

Väsentliga händelser efter årets slut

  • Order på 0,6 MSEK från ny global kund.  

SenzaGen bjuder in media och investerare till en telefonkonferens torsdagen den 13 februari klockan 9.30 där VD Axel Sjöblad kommenterar SenzaGens bokslutskommuniké 2019. Telefonkonferensen hålls på engelska och inleds med en kort presentation av rapporten följt av en frågestund.

Telefonnummer till konferensen
För att delta i konferensen ring ett av numren nedan:

SE: 08 566 426 95
CH: +41 225 805 976 
FR: +33 170 750 718 
DE: +49 692 222 203 80 
NE: +31 207 219 496 
UK: +44 3 333 009 034


Denna information är sådan information som SenzaGen AB är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 13 februari 2020, kl. 08.30 CET.

För mer information, vänligen kontakta: 
Axel Sjöblad, VD, SenzaGen AB 
Tel: 0705-35 93 51 | E-post:

GARD består av en grupp med tester för analys av kemikaliers förmåga att starta en allergisk reaktion hos människa. Testerna utförs på mänskliga celler i provrör (in vitro) i kombination med artificiell intelligens. Genom att analysera hundratals markörer genererar GARD stora mängder data och levererar resultat med över 90 procents träffsäkerhet. Detta kan jämföras med dagens standardmetod – tester på djur – som endast uppnår 70-75 procents träffsäkerhet. Produktportföljen består av tester för hud- och luftrörsallergi: GARD®skin, GARD®air, GARD®potency och GARD®skin Medical Device.

Om SenzaGen AB (publ)
SenzaGen gör det möjligt att ersätta djurförsök med genetiska tester i provrör för att bedöma om de kemikalier vi kommer i kontakt med i vår vardag är allergiframkallande. Det kan till exempel handla om kosmetika, läkemedel, livsmedel och färgämnen. Bolagets patentskyddade tester är de mest tillförlitliga på marknaden och ger mer information än traditionella utvärderingsmetoder. Testerna säljs i egen regi i Sverige och USA samt genom partners i flera andra länder. De närmaste åren kommer bolaget expandera geografiskt, knyta till sig fler distributionspartners och lansera nya, unika tester. SenzaGen har sitt huvudkontor i Lund och dotterbolag i USA. För mer information, besök SenzaGen är listat på Nasdaq Stockholm First North (ticker: SENZA). FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, info@fnca.seär bolagets Certified Adviser. 

Bifogat dokument


SenzaGen: Invitation to full year 2019 conference call on Feb 13 at 9.30 CET

The conference call, which will be held in English, will begin with a presentation of the report followed by a Q&A session.

Phone number for the conference:
To participate in the conference call, use the dial-in numbers below.

SE: +46856642695
CH: +41225805976
FR: +33170750718
DE: +4969222220380
NE: +31207219496
UK: +443333009034


For more information, please contact:
Axel Sjöblad, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Email: | Mobile: +46 705-35 93 51

Tina Dackemark Lawesson, VP Marketing & Communications
Email: | Mobile: +46 708-20 29 44

About GARD™
GARD consists of a group of tests for analyzing chemicals’ ability to start an allergic reaction in humans. The tests are performed on human cells in test tubes (in vitro) in combination with artificial intelligence. By analyzing hundreds of markers, GARD generates large amounts of data and delivers results with over 90 percent accuracy. This can be compared to today’s standard method – tests on animals – which only achieves 70-75 percent accuracy. The product portfolio consists of tests for skin and respiratory allergy: GARD™skin, GARD™air, GARD™potency and GARD™skin Medical Device.

About SenzaGen AB (publ)
SenzaGen’s technology enables replacement of animal experiments with genetic testing in test tubes for determining the allergenicity of the chemicals we come into contact with in our daily lives, such as those in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food products and dyes. The company’s patented tests are the most reliable on the market and provide more information than traditional evaluation methods. SenzaGen sells direct in Sweden and the US, and through partners in several other countries. Over the next few years the company will grow geographically, make alliances with additional distribution and license partners, and launch new unique tests. SenzaGen has its headquarters in Lund in Sweden and a subsidiary in the US. For more information, please visit

SenzaGen AB is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm (ticker: SENZA) and FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, is the company’s Certified Adviser.

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SenzaGen receives order of SEK 0.6 million from new global customer

The customer has its headquarters in Europe where research and development have a central role. With the combination of GARD tests, the customer can for the first time identify substances with various allergy-causing effects during product development, which contributes to cost savings for the company and safer products to the society.

“This assignment is important for several reasons. We now begin to see the results of our sales efforts and from the new commercial organization that we started to build during the fall. The fact that the customer wants to test chemicals for both skin and respiratory allergies makes this an important reference order,” says Axel Sjöblad, CEO of SenzaGen.

SenzaGen’s test platform GARD targets companies looking to optimize their in vitro testing strategy; increasing the accuracy of their test results while avoiding animal testing. Through its precision and reliability, GARD improves the quality of customers’ decision-making and contributes to increased product safety in people’s everyday lives while reducing the number of animal experiments. SenzaGen is the only company that can offer a non-animal, so called in vitro test, for identification of chemical respiratory allergens.

For more information, please contact:
Axel Sjöblad, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Email: | Mobile: +46 705 35 93 51

Tina Dackemark Lawesson, VP Marketing & Communications
Email: | Mobile: +46 708 20 29 44

About GARD™
GARD™ consists of a group of tests for analyzing chemicals’ ability to start an allergic reaction in humans. The tests are performed on human cells in test tubes (in vitro) in combination with artificial intelligence. By analyzing hundreds of markers, GARD™ generates large amounts of data and delivers results with over 90 percent accuracy. This can be compared to today’s standard method – tests on animals – which only achieves 70-75 percent accuracy. The product portfolio consists of tests for skin and respiratory allergy: GARD™skin, GARD™air, GARD™potency and GARD™skin Medical Device.

About SenzaGen AB (publ) 
SenzaGen’s technology enables replacement of animal experiments with genetic testing in test tubes for determining the allergenicity of the chemicals we come into contact with in our daily lives, such as those in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food products and dyes. The company’s patented tests are the most reliable on the market and provide more information than traditional evaluation methods. SenzaGen sells direct in Sweden and the US, and through partners in several other countries. Over the next few years the company will grow geographically, make alliances with additional distribution and license partners, and launch new unique tests. SenzaGen has its headquarters in Lund in Sweden and a subsidiary in the US. For more information, please visit

SenzaGen AB is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm (ticker: SENZA) and FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, is the company’s Certified Adviser.

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SenzaGen signs distribution agreement with GenEvolutioN in France

GenEvolutioN is an innovative and privately owned GLP-certified contract research organization (CRO) with many years of in vitro toxicology expertise and specialist knowledge in cell-based methods. In a short time, the company has established itself as a supplier of high-tech and advanced testing services with customers in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and chemical industries in seven countries.

“GenEvolutioN possesses an impressive level of expertise in the field of alternative testing without animal models and gives us access to world-leading customers within our prioritized industries. Collaboration with strong partners is part of our commercial strategy and together with GenEvolutioN, we continue to establish the GARD™ technology in the important European market,” says Axel Sjöblad, CEO of SenzaGen.

“GenEvolutioN stands for quality and scientific excellence. We offer only the best services and tools in line with the evolution of biological and technological progress; therefore, we are very careful with partnerships and the services we add to our portfolio. Our customers are increasingly demanding sensitization testing and it is gratifying that we now can offer them the high-performance GARD™ technology,” says Francis Finot, founder and owner of GenEvolutioN.

The agreement gives GenEvolutioN the right to market and sell SenzaGen’s GARD™ tests to customers looking for advanced technology providing reliable results. Through its accuracy and reliability, GARD™ improves the quality of customer’s decision-making and contributes to increased product safety in people’s everyday lives. 

The agreement between SenzaGen and GenEvolutioN runs for three years with an option to extend for additional years.

For more information, please contact:
Axel Sjöblad, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Email: | Mobil: +46 705-35 93 51

Francis Finot, Co-Founder, GenEvolutioN SAS
Email: | Mobil: +33 (0)- 65 75 94 78 

About GARD
GARD™ consists of a group of tests for analyzing chemicals’ ability to start an allergic reaction in humans. The tests are performed on human cells in test tubes (in vitro) in combination with artificial intelligence. By analyzing hundreds of markers, GARD™ generates large amounts of data and delivers results with over 90 percent accuracy. This can be compared to today’s standard method – tests on animals – which only achieves 70-75 percent accuracy. The product portfolio consists of tests for skin and respiratory allergy: GARD™skin, GARD™air, GARD™potency and GARD™skin Medical Device. 

About SenzaGen AB (publ)
SenzaGen’s technology enables replacement of animal experiments with genetic testing in test tubes for determining the allergenicity of the chemicals we come into contact with in our daily lives, such as those in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food products and dyes. The company’s patented tests are the most reliable on the market and provide more information than traditional evaluation methods. SenzaGen sells direct in Sweden and the US, and through partners in several other countries. Over the next few years the company will grow geographically, make alliances with additional distribution and license partners, and launch new unique tests. SenzaGen has its headquarters in Lund in Sweden and a subsidiary in the US. For more information, please visit

SenzaGen AB is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm (ticker: SENZA) and FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, is the company’s Certified Adviser. 

About GenEvolutioN 
GenEvolutioN established in 2017, is an expert spin off, dedicated to in vitro genetic toxicology and toxicology expertise using new Human cell models. GenEvolutioN is in line with the evolution of biological and technological progress. Please visit 

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SenzaGen signs distributor agreement with VitroScreen in Italy

The agreement gives VitroScreen a non-exclusive right to market and sell SenzaGen’s test platform GARD to customers looking to optimize their in vitro testing strategy; increasing the accuracy of their test results while avoiding animal testing. Through its precision and reliability, GARD improves the quality of customers’ decision-making and contributes to increased product safety in people’s everyday lives.

“VitroScreen is a perfect partner for us – they are in vitro specialists and aim at offering the latest testing methods, they address the industries we prioritize, and they drive the change to establish alternative testing methods. With the agreement, VitroScreen can offer GARD™ to customers who want to test both during their product development and to support their product registrations. We are now establishing the GARD™ technology in Italy and are strengthening our presence in the important European market”, says Axel Sjöblad, CEO of SenzaGen.

VitroScreen, Leading Innovation in Pre-clinical Testing, is a privately owned GLP-certified in vitro research laboratory established in 2001 by Dr Marisa Meloni. The laboratory offers alternative preclinical testing to customers in the pharmaceutical, medical device, cosmetics, chemical, agrochemicals and nutritional industries.

“VitroScreen always strives to offer its customers the most predictive, robust and reproducible in vitro approach to hazard identification. With SenzaGen’s GARD™, we provide our customers with a unique alternative platform with unparallel accuracy meeting the needs of several industries, notably for the assessment of potential respiratory sensitizers. We also look forward to working with a partner who shares our values and who contributes actively to a sustainable and ethical development of pre-clinical testing market”, says Marisa Meloni, CEO of VitroScreen.

The agreement between SenzaGen and VitroScreen runs for three years with an option to extend for additional years.

For more information, please contact:
Axel Sjöblad, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Email: | Mobil: +46 705-35 93 51

Tina Dackemark Lawesson, VP Marketing & Communications
Email: | Mobil: +46 708-202944

About GARD® 
GARD® consists of a group of tests for analyzing chemicals’ ability to start an allergic reaction in humans. The tests are performed on human cells in test tubes (in vitro) in combination with artificial intelligence. By analyzing hundreds of markers, GARD® generates large amounts of data and delivers results with over 90 percent accuracy. This can be compared to today’s standard method – tests on animals – which only achieves 70-75 percent accuracy. The product portfolio consists of tests for skin and respiratory allergy: GARD™skin, GARD™air, GARD™potency and GARD™skin Medical Device.

About SenzaGen AB (publ) 
SenzaGen’s technology enables replacement of animal experiments with genetic testing in test tubes for determining the allergenicity of the chemicals we come into contact with in our daily lives, such as those in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food products and dyes. The company’s patented tests are the most reliable on the market and provide more information than traditional evaluation methods. SenzaGen sells direct in Sweden and the US, and through partners in several other countries. Over the next few years the company will grow geographically, make alliances with additional distribution and license partners, and launch new unique tests. SenzaGen has its headquarters in Lund in Sweden and a subsidiary in the US. For more information, please visit

SenzaGen AB is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm (ticker: SENZA) and FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, is the company’s Certified Adviser.

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