SenzaGen signs distribution agreement in Korea

SenzaGen has signed a distribution agreement with the Korean company WOOJUNG BSC, Inc.  Korea passed a legislation to ban animal testing of cosmetics on December 2015, which will be effective on February 4, 2017. With this new agreement, SenzaGen will enter one of the world’s most exciting markets and WOOJUNG BSC will market GARDskin for the field of cosmetics in Korea.

-Collaborating with new strong partners is an integral part of our business model. The agreement with WOOJUNG BSC means that we will be present in one of the most important Asian markets. Korea, just as India, has imposed a ban on animal testing on cosmetics. WOOJUNG BSC has a wide network of customers and partners in the life science sector, and also the company has been offering various solutions to the pharmaceutical GMP market and preclinical CRO services. This provides long-term benefits to our product portfolio and SenzaGen, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen.

Korean company WOOJUNG BSC was established in 1989 and is one of the leading research facilities in Korea. Customers include universities, pharmaceutical companies and research institutes, to which WOOJUNG BSC provides services.

-We offer a range of services to leading cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies and universities in Korea and with GARD we will expand and strengthen our offer. With the new legislation, we see that more and more of our customers will demand animal-free tests and with GARD, we get a safer and better test. It benefits us, our customers and all consumers, says Benjamin, ByungNyun Chun, CEO at WOOJUNG BSC.

Since 2013, animal testing of cosmetic products is banned in the EU. Norway has decided to impose the same ban as the EU, while India, Israel, New Zealand and Turkey have introduced bans on carrying out animal testing for cosmetics in the country. In December 2015, Korea passed a similar ban which will come into effect in 2017. More bans are underway in major markets in the coming years, which provides an increasing demand for SenzaGens animal-free genomic testing.

For more information
Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Phone: +46 768 284822

About WOOJUNG BSC Connecting Life, Science and Research
For the last 26 years WOOJUNG BSC has been a class-leading-pioneer for the development field of animal laboratory facility and research. Providing safest and most efficient solution to the laboratory and animal researching environment, have been built many top quality laboratories and providing research solutions such as in vitro, in vivo contract research. The company is confident that cutting edge facilities constructed under WOOJUNG BSC’s name is the most beneficial for the each component of world; human, animal and environment. Scientists and researchers can be always assured that they are in SAFE SHELTER (WOOJUNG).

About GARD
By analyzing 200 and 389 markers, depending on the test, GARD generates massive amounts of data and delivers results with 90 % prediction accuracy. This can be compared to the golden standard, animal tests on mice, that provides 72 % prediction. SenzaGen’s test also has the ability to measure potency (strength) of a substance and can thus determine the degree to which a substance is an allergen.

About SenzaGen
SenzaGen provides dermal and respiratory in vitro testing for the cosmetic, chemical and pharmaceutical industries replacing the need for animal testing. The company’s unique test GARD is based on research from the Department of Immune Technology at Lund University. SenzaGen is based at Medicon Village in Lund, Sweden.

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SenzaGen tecknar sitt första distributionsavtal med brittiska XCellR8, en ledare inom djurfria tester

I linje med SenzaGens långsiktiga strategi och affärsmodell har bolaget nu tecknat sitt första distributionsavtal med brittiska XCellR8. Avtalet konfirmerar intresset av SenzaGens teknologi och öppnar upp för nya affärsmöjligheter, då XCellR8 aktivt kommer att marknadsföra GARDskin globalt för kosmetikabranschen och för producenter av hygienartiklar och hushållsprodukter och dess ingrediensleverantörer.

-Avtalet är viktigt för oss, inte enbart för att vi nu ser att vi kan leverera på vår affärsmodell, utan vi ser också ett ökat intresse för vår teknologi och vi får tillgång till en ny marknad med en väletablerad och ytterst kompetent partner. XCellR8 är en av branschens främsta ambassadörer för djurfria tester, säger Anki Malmborg Hager, VD på SenzaGen.

Brittiska XCellR8 etablerades 2008 med uppdraget och visionen att ersätta djurtester med alternativa metoder som är både etiska och vetenskapligt avancerade. Företaget samarbetar med en rad globalt ledande kosmetikabolag och deras leverantörer. XCellR8 är nu ett väletablerat och välrenommerat företag inom
in vitro
tester och alternativa metoder för testning av produktsäkerhet.

-Med GARD tar vi ett steg in i framtiden. Med genom-baserade metoder går vi mot säkrare och bättre tester, och på sikt även mer pålitliga konsumentprodukter utan att behöva genomföra djurtester, säger Dr Carol Treasure, VD på XcellR8

Om XCellR8
XCellR8 erbjuder djurfria testlösningar för kundföretag som erbjuder produkter inom kosmetika, hygienartiklar och hushållsprodukter och deras ingrediensleverantörer. Bolaget hjälper kundföretag att utveckla säkra och innovativa nya produkter, att följa lagstiftning, och att välja djurfria testmetoder som är både vetenskapligt avancerade och etiska.

XCellR8´s brittiska laboratorium är ackrediterat enligt GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), vilket innebär att bolaget kan erbjuda kunder testresultat som kan användas enligt regulatoriska föreskrifter för att visa produktsäkerheten. XCellR8 är proaktiva och bidrar i det globala engagemanget för att ersätta djurförsök genom forskning och utbildningsprogram.

Genom att analysera 200 respektive 389 markörer beroende på test, genererar GARD stora mängder data och levererar resultat med 90 % tillförlitlighet. Detta kan jämföras med den gyllene standarden som är djurtester på möss som ger endast 72 % tillförlitlighet. SenzaGens test har därtill förmågan att mäta potensen (styrkan) av en substans och kan därmed avgöra till vilken grad en substans orsakar allergi.

Om SenzaGen
SenzaGen erbjuder in vitro-tester för hud och luftvägar till kosmetisk, kemisk och farmaceutisk industri som ersätter behovet av djurförsök. Bolagets unika test GARD är baserat på forskning från Institutionen för Immunteknologi vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola. SenzaGen är baserat på Medicon Village i Lund, Sverige.

För med information
Anki Malmborg Hager,
VD, SenzaGen AB
Mobil: +46 768 284822

Carol Treasure,
Founder & MD, XcelR8
Mobil: +44 7899 845222

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SenzaGen signs its first distribution agreement with British XCellR8, a leader in animal-free testing

In line with SenzaGen’s long-term strategy and business model, the company has now signed its first distribution agreement with the British test lab company XCellR8. The agreement confirms the interest in SenzaGen’s technology and opens up new business opportunities as XCellR8 will actively market the GARDskin for cosmetics, personal care and household products and their ingredient suppliers globally.

– This agreement is important for us, not only because we now see that our business model works, we also see that there is an increased interest in our technology and we get access to a new market with a well-established and highly competent and renowned partner. XCellR8 is one of the industry’s foremost ambassadors of non-animal tests, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen.

XCellR8 was established in 2008 with a mission to replace animal testing with methods that are both scientifically advanced and ethically sound. The company works with a number of leading global cosmetic companies and their ingredient suppliers, and has become the “go-to” laboratory for in vitro testing expertise for both product safety and efficacy / claim support.

-By working with GARD we take a step into the future. With the use of genomics based testing we are moving towards safer and better tests, and ultimately more reliable consumer products without the need for animal testing, says Dr Carol Treasure, CEO of XCellR8

About XCellR8
XcellR8 offers animal-free testing for companies with products on the cosmetic, personal care and household product market and their ingredients suppliers. The company helps customers develop safe and innovative new products, to follow the law, and to choose non-animal test methods that are both scientifically advanced and ethical. XCellR8 ‘s British laboratory is accredited according to GLP standard (Good Laboratory Practice), which means that the company can offer their customers test results that can be used according to regulatory requirements to prove product safety. XCellR8 are proactive and contributing to the global commitment to replace animal testing through research and education programs.

About GARD
By analyzing 200 and 389 markers, depending on the test, GARD generates massive amounts of data and delivers results with 90 % prediction accuracy. This can be compared to the gold standard, animal tests in mice, that provides 72 % prediction. SenzaGen’s test also has the ability to measure potency (strength) of a substance and can thus determine the degree to which a substance is an allergen.

About SenzaGen
SenzaGen provides dermal and respiratory in vitro testing for the cosmetic, chemical and pharmaceutical industries replacing the need for animal testing. The company’s unique test, GARD, is based on research from the Department of Immunotechnology at Lund University. SenzaGen is based at Medicon Village in Lund, Sweden.

For more information
Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Mobile: +46 768 284822

Carol Treasure, Founder & MD, XCellR8
Mobile: +44 7899 845222

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