RIFM Principle Scientist Gretchen Ritacco speaks about SenzaGen and RIFM collaboration

Here is an interview with Principal Scientist Gretchen Ritacco, MS, explaining why RIFM has focused some of its research on the potential for light to activate fragrance materials resulting in reactions in the body’s largest organ, the skin.

Since June 2020, SenzaGen and the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) are collaborating to investigate in vitro methods and develop next-generation test for determining whether a fragrance material may cause photosensitization.

Read the RIFM interview here.

Webinar: Safer Medical Devices

Safer Medical Devices – in vitro skin sensitization testing with human relevance and high accuracy
By Rose-Marie Jenvert, PhD, and Joshua Schmidt, PhD, SenzaGen

Watch by clicking the image below.