SenzaGens attended BioFIT in Lille, France
On December 4-5, SenzaGen was attending BioFIT in Lille, France. BioFIT is a business development meeting with focus on early stage innovations including pre-clinical stage assets. We met with CROs and life science companies from all over Europe in search of screening tools at pre-clinical stage. Read more about Biofit here:
SenzaGen attends Society of Toxicology (STC) of Canada’s 50th Annual Symposium
SenzaGen is attending the Society of Toxicology (STC) of Canada’s 50th Annual Symposium, on December 10-12 in Toronto, Canada. Joshua Schmidt, Business Development Director Americas at SenzaGen, will participate at the symposium and present the poster: GARD – Assessing Skin and Respiratory Sensitizers in vitro using a genomics-based platform.
STC is a non-profit association whose objectives are to promote the acquisition, facilitate the dissemination, and encourage the utilization of knowledge in the science of toxicology. They support continuing education and excellence in research through its Annual Symposium, which provides a venue for members and international experts to present the latest advances in experimental and regulatory toxicology.
To book a meeting, please email Joshua Schmidt at: (a)
Hope to see you there!
For more information about the symposium, please visit:
SenzaGen förstärker med IR-och kommunikationsansvarig
“SenzaGen befinner sig i en mycket spännande fas och vi behöver förstärka vår organisation inom såväl IR som strategisk kommunikation. Tina Dackemark Lawesson kommer som kommunikationsansvarig att ha uppdraget att driva kommunikationen gentemot våra prioriterade målgrupper och kommer därmed att ha en nyckelposition på SenzaGen”, säger Anki Malmborg Hager, VD på SenzaGen.
Tina Dackemark Lawesson kommer närmast från en roll som Director Investor Relations & Corporate Communications på kommunikationsutrustningsbolaget Invisio i Köpenhamn, dessförinnan har hon haft liknande befattningar på Cellavision, Enzymatica och Precise Biometrics.
”SenzaGen är ett mycket spännande bolag som med sin teknologi har möjlighet att lämna ett bestående avtryck. Det känns därför extra roligt och utmanande att få vara med och utveckla bolagets kommunikation framöver”, säger Tina Dackemark Lawesson, ny IR- och kommunikationsansvarig på SenzaGen.
För mer information, kontakta:
Anki Malmborg Hager, VD, SenzaGen AB
Telefon: 0768 284822
Tina Dackemark Lawesson, SenzaGen AB
Telefon: 0708 202944
GARD® är en grupp med tester för analys av kemikaliers förmåga att starta en allergisk reaktion hos människa. Genom att analysera hundratals markörer genererar GARD™ stora mängder data och levererar resultat med över 90 procents precision. Detta kan jämföras med dagens standardmetod – tester på möss – som endast uppnår 70-75 procents precision. SenzaGens test kan dessutom kvantifiera den allergiframkallande potentialen för en kemisk substans.
Om SenzaGen
SenzaGen gör det möjligt att ersätta djurförsök med genetiska tester i provrör för att bedöma om de kemikalier vi kommer i kontakt med i vår vardag är allergiframkallande. Det kan till exempel handla om kosmetika, läkemedel, livsmedel och färgämnen. Bolagets patentskyddade tester är de mest tillförlitliga på marknaden och ger mer information än traditionella utvärderingsmetoder. Testerna säljs i egen regi i Sverige och USA, och genom partners i flera andra länder. De närmaste åren kommer bolaget expandera geografiskt, knyta till sig fler distributionspartners och lansera nya, unika tester. SenzaGen har sitt huvudkontor i Lund och dotterbolag i USA. För mer information, besök
Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 5 december 2018 kl. 08.30.
SenzaGen är listat på Nasdaq Stockholm First North (ticker: SENZA). FNCA är bolagets Certified Adviser. Mer information om SenzaGen finns att tillgå via
SenzaGen strengthens its organization with IR and communications director
“SenzaGen is in a very exciting development phase and we need to strengthen our organization within both IR and strategic communication. In her role as communications director, Tina will be tasked with increasing communication towards our prioritized target groups and will thus have a key position in SenzaGen,” says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen.
Dackemark Lawesson joins SenzaGen from Invisio, a Danish communication equipment company based in Copenhagen, where she was Director of Investor Relations & Corporate Communications. She previously held similar positions at Cellavision, Enzymatica and Precise Biometrics.
“SenzaGen is a very exciting company which, thanks to its technology, has the opportunity to make a real impact in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. I am therefore delighted to have the opportunity of meeting the challenge of taking the company’s communications forward,” says Dackemark Lawesson.
For more information, please contact:
Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Telephone: +46 768 284822
Tina Dackemark Lawesson, SenzaGen AB
Telephone: +46 708 202944
About GARD®
GARD® is a group of tests for assessing chemical skin sensitizers. The tests make use of genetic biomarkers for more than 200 genes which cover the entire immune reaction and are relevant to predicting the risk of hypersensitivity. The tests have over 90 percent reliability.
This compares with the current predominant test method, experiments on mice, which has an accuracy of 70-75 percent. SenzaGen’s tests are also capable of measuring the potency of a substance’s allergenic properties. Consequently, GARD tests provide a much more comprehensive basis for determining whether a substance should be classified as an allergen than current testing methods.
About SenzaGen
SenzaGen makes it possible to replace animal experiments with in vitro genetic testing to determine the allergenicity of the chemicals we come into contact with in our daily lives, such as for example in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food products and dyes. The company’s patented tests are the most reliable on the market and provide more information than traditional evaluation methods. We ourselves sell the tests in Sweden and the USA, and we sell through partners in several other countries. Over the next few years the company will expand geographically, make alliances with more distribution partners and launch further unique tests. SenzaGen has its headquarters in Lund in Sweden and a subsidiary in Delaware USA. For more information visit
The information was submitted for publication, through the contact person set out above on December 5, 2018, at 08.30.
SenzaGen AB is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm and FNCA is the company’s Certified Adviser. For more information, please visit