Thank you for a great Society of Toxicology and ToxExpo 2018!
We would like to extend a great thank you to all customers, partners, friends and collaborators for a great SOT and ToxExpo 2018!
We had record numbers both in the audience for the presentation, at the poster presentation on validation for OECD and at the booth. We are very happy and proud to see the rapidly growing interest for SenzaGen and our GARD products and wish to thank you all for your shown interest!
A webinar with the presentation from SOT will be held for those interested on Tuesday March 27 at 11:30 am.
Presentation pdf available here
Poster on validation available here
Register for webinar here.
The presentation will be held in English
Thank you and we look forward to future collaborations!
For more information:
Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO
SenzaGen AB
Telephone: +46 768 284822