senzagen member of the board

Ian Kimber joins the board of SenzaGen AB

SenzaGen AB, a diagnostic spin-off company from Lund University, is proud to announce that Prof. Ian Kimber will join the Board of Directors.

SenzaGen AB is a diagnostic company working to replace animal testing for sensitization predictions.

Prof Ian Kimber is currently Professor of Toxicology and Associate Dean for Business Development in the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Manchester. He has broad research interests at the interface between toxicology and immunology, with a particular focus on allergy and inflammation.  Professor Kimber holds, and has held, a variety of positions on national and international expert and scientific advisory committees. Currently these include the following:  Member UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Committee for Safety of Devices, Programme Advisor Food Standards Agency Food Allergy and Intolerance Research Programme, and member MRC Translational Research Group. Professor Kimber was previously President of the British Toxicology Society (BTS) (2012-2014), and Chairman of the Board of the UK National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) (2008-2013).  

“I am delighted to be joining the Board of SenzaGen at such an exciting period of growth. Since our initial studies that led to the development and ultimate validation of the Local Lymph Node Assay I have maintained a keen interest in chemical allergy and in the development of novel approaches for improved hazard identification and risk assessment. In this respect harnessing fully the opportunities afforded by developments in the biomedical sciences is critical, and the work of SenzaGen in exploiting a genomic approach to pathway analysis and risk assessment is at the cutting edge of new developments”, says Prof Kimber.

Ian Kimber has published over 600 research papers, review articles and book chapters, and serves currently on the editorial boards of toxicology, immunology, dermatology and pathology journals.

“We are very happy to have Prof Kimber on board in SenzaGen”, since he is one of the forerunners in sensitization testing, says Prof Carl Borrebaeck, “his knowledge and interest in the field of allergy and replacement of animal testing with new technologies is very important to us. We value his participation in developing the next generation tests.”


Press release in pdf

Almi Invest awards SenzaGen the prestigeous Annual Keywhole investment prize. “Årets titthålsinvestering”

– The investment will be used to sharpen Senzagen business model and develop software linked to cell-based in vitro assays, says Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO at SenzaGen.

Press reslease at ALMI’s newsdesk

SenzaGen one of the five most praised companies in Swedish business media

SenzaGen one of the five most praised companies at Ny Teknik & Affärsvärldens big Inovation Event for the 33 most promising young innovativ companies in Sweden.

The final ceremony for the 33-list was held in Stockholm were the hottest new technology companies in Sweden were presented. The list is presented without ranking but five companies were elected for special attention and SenzaGen was awarded a prize from ALMI, a strategic partner and SenzaGen given investment money for further development of the company.

Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO of SenzaGen features in film about the company from the event.
Film  (in Swedish)

About the 33-list
The 33-list is based on nominations by companies from all over Sweden and the winners are appointed jointly by the editorial staff of the NyTeknik and Affärsvärlden. The jury looks for companies with a unique product or service based around a clear innovation with great international potential – an innovation that has the potential to change the rules of the game in their industry. To make it on the list must now be based in Sweden up to 7 years old. For more information, visit