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Next generation skin sensitisation testing.
Personal Care Magazine Europe, sept 2016
Malmborg Hager A., Johansson H., Lindstedt M., Borrebaeck CA.
DNA is the software that predicts human phenotypes. Genomics utilises DNA as such a piece of software, which in several recent applications has been demonstrated to be able to predict a number of biological features, enabling anything from face recognition to vaccine development. The tremendous information content, harboured in the DNA, should be harnessed in tests of cosmetic ingredients and formulations, to get a complete insight into what is happening in the body when these types of products are applied to the human skin. This type of complex information gives a holistic view of a human condition that many of us are familiar with, such as e.g. allergic contact dermatitis, and has the potential not only to classify chemicals used in cosmetics but also to determine the magnitude to which a
chemical affects the human body (the potency).
This distinguishes genomics from most other test principles, where in many cases only one or two markers are being
monitored, such as DC activation markers (CD86, CD54), genes involved in cytoprotective responses to oxidative stress or electrophilic compounds (Nrf2, Keap1), or proinflammatory cytokines, (e.g. IL18).