SenzaGen AB recruites Anki Malmborg Hager as CEO

2014-11-05, Lund, Sweden

SenzaGen AB, a diagnostic spin-off company from Lund University, announces the that Dr Anki Malmborg Hager will take the position as CEO for the company.

SenzaGen AB is a diagnostic company working to replace animal testing. There is an increasing international demand to replace existing animal testing for regulatory purposes and to provide novel tools for early decision-making in product development. SenzaGen offers such a choice and its products are in vitro based tests accurately determining the sensitization ability of substances.

SenzaGen AB is based on research at the Department of Immunotechnology at Lund University conducted by Assoc. Prof. Malin Lindstedt and coworkers.

“The 2013 ban on animal testing in the cosmetic industry provides Senzagen with an optimal opportunity to launch many years of research into society and enter a commercial phase of our products,” says Assoc. Prof. Malin Lindstedt.

The company´s first product, a skin sensitization test of chemicals, is already on the market, and the company is working on next generation products that will address other types of sensitizers including other routes of exposure.

Based on the demand from the market the company is now gearing up its commercial operations and the first step is to recruit an experienced CEO.

“We are very happy to have been able to recruit Dr. Malmborg, who has extensive experience from commercialization of academic results, financial markets and business developments says Prof.Carl Borrebaeck, chairman of the Board of SenzaGen.

Anki Malmborg Hager has more than 20 years´ experience in both pharmaceutical and biotech companies that are spin-offs from the University. She held the position as Investment Director in Lund University Bioscience AB between 2009 and 2011 as well as management positions in eg. Alligator Bioscience AB, XImmune AB (CEO), Cantargia AB (CEO), and Diaprost AB (CEO).

“I am very pleased to have been offered this opportunity” says Anki Malmborg Hager. “The underlying research in SenzaGen is world class and the market window of opportunity is timely and very exciting. I am looking forward to joining the SenzaGen team and to lead the next steps in the commercialization of many years of first-class research”.

About SenzaGen

SenzaGen AB is an early-phase diagnostics company based on strong research and know-how of the immune system and its reaction to hazardous agents, such as irritants and allergens. The company’s products are genetic tests for sensitizing agents, which have been designed based on how indicator cells react when exposed to a variety of chemicals.

SenzaGen AB was created to meet the international demand to replace existing animal testing for regulatory purposes and to provide novel tools for early decision-making in product development. SenzaGen AB services will make in vitro testing a real option for manufacturers of cosmetics, chemicals, food, and pharmaceuticals.

SenzaGen AB is a spin-off company founded by researchers at Lund University to bring academic results to good use for society. The company is situated in facilities at Medicon Village, Lund, Sweden.

For more information please contact:

Carl Borrebaeck, Chairman of the Board, SenzaGen AB

+46 708 218330