SenzaGen 2020 Year-end report: Tripled sales for the full year

CEO comment
”Looking back on 2020, I am pleased to report that SenzaGen’s progress on commercialization has had a positive impact and we are in a much better position today than we were a year ago. Despite the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic, we succeeded in establishing our GARD® technology with new, international customers and tripling our sales from the previous year. In 2021, we will continue working toward our profitability target by approaching customers and industries that stand to benefit from the GARD® test’s high predictivity and are interested in the additional skin toxicology services that we will be able to offer through our own now GLP-certified lab.”

Axel Sjöblad, CEO

Full year 1 January–31 December

  • Net sales totaled SEK 7,958 (2,724) thousand.
  • The operating loss was SEK -27,098 (-37,927) thousand.
  • Earnings per share were SEK -1.27 (-3.11).
  • Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December amounted to SEK 89,343 (120,467) thousand.
  • The board proposes that no dividend be paid to the Company’s shareholders.

Second half year 1 July–31 December

  • Net sales totaled SEK 4,128 (1,072) thousand.
  • The operating loss was SEK -14,169 (-22,730) thousand.
  • Earnings per share were SEK -0.67 (-2.10).

Significant events during the second half year

  • Pharmaceuticals company H. Lundbeck A/S ordered GARD®skin and GARD®air tests for SEK 0.4 million.
  • The global medical device company Sonova placed an SEK 0.6 m order after evaluation.
  • A major US chemicals company ordered GARD®skin and GARD®potency tests for SEK 0.4 million.
  • SenzaGen signed a distribution agreement with Danske Teknologisk Institut (DTI) in Denmark.
  • The ESAC’s scientific evaluation of GARD® was underway during the year. Their opinion was delayed until 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Significant events after the end of the year

  • The Company’s global collaboration agreement with Charles River Laboratories was renewed and expanded.

Conference call
SenzaGen is pleased to invite press and investors to a conference call on Thursday February 18 at 9.30 CET where CEO Axel Sjöblad comments SenzaGen’s 2020 full year results. The conference call, which will be held in English, will begin with a presentation of the report followed by a Q&A session.

Phone number for the conference
To participate in the conference call, use the dial-in numbers below.

FR: +33170750721
DE: +4969222239167
SE: +46850558368
CH: +41225675632
NL: +31107129162
UK: +443333009267
