In Vitro Biocompatibility Testing Services.

Ensuring ISO 10993 compliance

Our GLP-compliant labs, operating across multiple sites, specialize in assessing biological risks and creating customized testing programs. We provide biocompatibility testing for new devices, design changes, materials, and sterilization processes.

Finished Medical Devices

Following the 3Rs principle, we cover three critical biocompatibility endpoints required for all medical devices. We offer in vitro testing for skin irritation and sensitization based on ISO 10993-23 and ISO 10993-10, along with cytotoxicity testing in accordance with ISO 10993-5. These methods are ethical, accurate, and relevant to human biology, offering an alternative to animal testing.

Throughout the product life cycle

Our services also support material selection and the assessment of toxicological hazards related to production and sterilization contaminants, ensuring the safety of your products throughout their lifecycle.

An ethical and accurate alternative to animal testing

We provide in vitro biocompatibility testing addressing the three endpoints that all medical devices are subjected to assess:

Interested in potency information?

GARD®skin Dose-Response can be used for risk assessment of chemicals found during chemical characterization, providing quantitative potency information on skin sensitization.