Research on GARDprotein published in highly reputed scientific journal

SenzaGen announces that research findings that support the development of a new application area for the company’s test platform GARDTM have been published in the highly reputed journal Toxicology in Vitro. The research described in the publication constitutes the basis of GARDprotein – a test method currently being developed to be able to eliminate allergy-inducing proteins from today’s and tomorrow’s foodstuffs.

In the publication, An alternative biomarker-based approach for the prediction of proteins known to sensitize the respiratory tract, a research group from Lund University describes its successful work on the identification of a unique set of genes, gene signature, that makes it possible to evaluate the allergenic characteristics of proteins. This gene signature constitutes the basis of the development of GARDprotein, a test that has the potential to meet the growing needs of the food industry to avoid allergy-inducing substances in their products.

As previously announced, a scientific evaluation of GARDprotein has already been carried out. The positive results of this evaluation were recently announced at The 3rd ImpARAS Conference in Helsingør, Denmark. The results show that with a high degree of accuracy and reliability the test method can reduce the risk that proteins in food are incorrectly categorized as allergenic or that their allergenic properties are not detected in time.

The article :
An alternative biomarker-based approach for the prediction of proteins known to sensitize the respiratory tract. Zeller KS, Johansson H, Lund TØ, Kristensen NN, Roggen EL, Lindstedt M.

Published in Toxicology In Vitroonline available via this link:

For more information, please contact
Anki Malmborg Hager, CEO, SenzaGen AB
Telephone: +46 768 284822